Nick was an aspiring sports journalist who pivoted to corporate communications when he realized sports journalism wasn't the right fit for him. A perfect example of willing to be agile and dive head first into something new when things don't go as planned. Plus, we get to hear how Nick approaches mistakes, how he values keeping an open mind, and how he uses AI to increase his effectiveness at work.
- Nick initially pursued sports journalism, but as he learned more he realized it wasn’t exactly what he had envisioned, so he kept an open mind an eventually found corporate communications.
- Corporate communications involves strategic messaging for internal audiences across large organizations.
- Success in corporate communications requires adaptability and the willingness to take on all sorts of tasks that may or may not be in the job description.
- Although Nick pivoted to corporate communications, sports journalism remains a passionate hobby.
- Mistakes in life and at work are some of the BEST learning opportunities.
- AI tools have significantly improved productivity in his role.
- Nick emphasizes the importance of continuously trying to learn new things.
- Nick is currently focused on strengthening his knowledge around investing and improving his financial literacy.
Find Nick HERE
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