In this episode we are joined again by Rheumatology Specialist Registrar Dr Aine Connerton to discuss Systemic Sclerosis (scleroderma) as a potential station in the Irish MRCPI Part II clinical exam.
We talk through a case of rheumatoid arthritis - the physical findings, a differential diagnosis, investigations and management. We then go on to briefly talk through some potential follow-up questions including monitoring on biologic therapy, extra-articular manifestations, and causes of anaemia in RA.
This podcast is supported by Pastest and their excellent online education resource to help candidates sit their clinical exams.
Sign up to Pastest MRCP Clinical revision resource via our affiliate link below: For Irish based candidates you can apply to claim back the cost through the training support scheme (up to date as of July 2023)
Consultant supervisor Professor Declan Byrne, consultant physician St James's Hospital, Dublin
Show music by Stepping on Lego - email: - socials: @steppingonlego_
Get in touch with us by email or social media @mrcpibedside
Good luck!