In today's final episode in the three part series on looking back and looking ahead, we revisit the timely devotional Craig presents from the prophet Isaiah in chapter 9 about a child being born and a son being give, and from the last part of the next verse (v. 7), he offers some interesting reflection on the truth about the zeal of God almighty will accomplish this. So what's the "this"? It's the gospel. Craig opens our minds to consider the question does God even need zeal to accomplish anything? And while it's clear He does not for most other things, the one thing He is full of zeal for is the gospel! From there, the Smiths turn our attention to 2025 and what topics will be covered in future Indigenous Faith programming. It will prove to be another very interesting year as the Smith's seek to present biblical principles on building a lasting Indigenous Faith in the context of tribal communities, cultures, and tradition. Thanks for going along for the ride with Craig and LaDonna Smith, and the Indigenous Faith broadcast! See you next week, dear friend!