Struggling to carry the weight of everyone's needs on your shoulders?
Do you feel you have to "be perfect" in order to be loved?
Or maybe forgotten, like everyone else seems more naturally "gifted" than you?
In today's episode we discuss three sisters who struggled with these same exact insecurities... and what we can do to help combat them!
If you are searching for uplifting media or lessons for Christian families relating to self-worth, being "perfect", or feeling that you must "do it all", be sure to listen!
For all my faith-filled, movie/tv lovers (especially my Disney fans!) this is an episode you won't want to miss!
02 - THE LION KING: Feeling Lost? God is Calling to YOU
04 - HOME ALONE: Feeling *Forgotten* this Christmas...? God is Desperately Searching for YOU!
22 - THE CHOSEN: Feeling Unseen? Or Spiritually Fatigued? God is Aware of YOU!
25 - THE HUNCHBACK OF NOTRE DAME: "God Help the Outcast" | Does God Know ME... or Hear MY Prayers? (Music Monday)
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