27 | Dreaming of Starting Your Own Online Business After 50? An Interview with Marta Goertzen
Hello Jesus People Sisters!
Have you ever thought about being your own boss? What if you could pursue your passion and calling and make a living at the same time? Starting our own business after fifty can be done and it may be God’s calling in this season of your life. In this episode, we’ll discuss having an online business and entrepreneurship after fifty with Marta Goertzen.
May this episode bless you!
Ellie and Janine
Marta Goertzen is a gentle business and personal brand coach, podcaster,, nature photographer, and daily morning walk taker. As a native of Oregon she enjoys exploring her favorite state with her camera and dogs, in tow. Marta also fully believes in the power of taking time daily to pause, reflect, and express gratitude, and that this daily habit can transform your life and business.
The Selah Entrepreneur
The Business Personality Quiz: https://selahstudios.co/quiz
Jude 1:24 (NASB 2020)
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Jesus People Sisterhood Senior Housing - For Single Christian Women 50+ https://www.facebook.com/groups/1880725785690917
Visit Janine Jordan’s website at https://www.riseupcoachingandconsulting.com/
Visit Ellie MacCormick’s website at https://samaramountain.com/
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