Welcome back to the "Healthy, Happy, and Thriving Mama" podcast episode 27!
In this episode, I share from the heart and share my current feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.
I emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and finding balance amidst my various passions and responsibilities.
I share the importance of self reflection when living a healthy lifestyle that goes beyond 'what' I eat.
In this episode I cover:
- Unpacking the Feeling Anxious and Overwhelmed:
- Self-Reflection and Prioritization whay really matters in this stage of life I am in:
- Strategies for Overcoming Anxiety:
- Communicating Needs and Core Values
I hope this episode resonates with you and that my simple but yet effective strategies can be of help to you.
If you would like to reach out or connect, bellow are a few ways to do so. Chat soon, till next week :)
Ways I can support your health journey or to simply connect with me check out the following links/ resources
✅ IG- https://www.instagram.com/wellnessbygretchen/
✅ Sign up for my free Healthy Eating Foundations Wellness class/ group- https://wellnessgretchen.kartra.com/page/Healthyeatingfoundations
✅ Book your Complimentary Lifestyle Audit coaching call- https://wellnessgretchen.kartra.com/calendar/bookingcalendar
✅ Receive my weekly newsletter- https://wellnessgretchen.kartra.com/page/newsletter
✅ Free Healthy Habit Tracker- https://wellnessgretchen.kartra.com/page/habittracker
✅ Learn more about Healthy Weight Simplified Private Coaching-https://wellnessgretchen.kartra.com/page/Healthyweightsimplified
Chat Soon, Sending you love, Health & Happiness -Gretchen