Our Guest: Jeremiah Robison
Jeremiah Robison is the founder and CEO of Cionic, an innovative company that builds lightweight and durable bionic clothing driven by powerful algorithms that adapt in real time to each individual's mobility needs. He is a proponent and an advocate for creating better solutions for people with mobility issues caused by neurological conditions and illnesses such as cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and more.
In this episode, Jeremiah gives us a peek into what human augmentation is. He makes us understand the spectrum of abilities of the human body and how technology may be used to superpower those abilities.
If you think that Bionic Clothing is Sci-Fi, this is an episode you should definitely listen to.
Jeremiah then answers interesting questions posed by the audience.
You will not want to miss the companion audio (called On The Spot) and video segments (called Vodcast) where guests share their spontaneous views on Healthcare+AI scenarios.
You can connect to all the episodes via youplusai.com.