It’s time to share some fresh, unexpected questions to help make your website better than knew it could be. You ready?!
Here they are:
1 What is the number one question your business receives?
2 Are the people reaching out to you also booking with you?
3 What feels most painful with your current service scope?
4 What insights are your current clients already providing you?
5 Can you explain the difference between you and your “competitors”?
6 What do you want to overhear someone saying about your business?
7 How many clients do you need to book to hit your target revenue?
8 Where are your existing leads coming from?
Episode Takeaways:
Listen in as I explain how to use each of these questions so that you can...
- Set your website up to be as useful as a full-time employee
- Drive leads towards the services that benefit you and your business most (aka more time, more money)
- Create stronger connections with your audience which, in return, reduces objections and makes selling easier
- Stand out as the greatest value in your industry, without needing to be the loudest with your marketing.