In episode 3 of our cult movie podcast, Rich and Jonathan continue their rewatch of the films of John Carpenter with TV movie Elvis starring Kurt Russell as the King and stonecold suspense classic, The Fog.
Named for Jack Burton's iconic truck rig in Carpenter's Big Trouble in Little China, the Pork-Chop Pod is basically two grumpy film nerds grumpily grumping through chats about cult and classics, and filmmakers and more. It’s very grumpy and nerdy. Season 1 is a detailed, painstaking, patience-testing walk through the work of our shared object of adulation, John Carpenter, with two films discussed per episode. Plus an added Zoomer review from a 13-year-old to see how out of touch we really are. If anyone listens, we’ll do another filmmaker or cult movie theme if there's a second season. Maybe. In the end, it’s all in the reflexes