Those of us that are staffed know how frustrating it is to spend time making policies for an efficient company and then having staff forget the important stuff! We have to remember to tell them the WHY to the WHAT.
0:44 Why to have WRITTEN policies
1:52 *Actually 45 mile diameter service area*
2:07 How do you monitor staff compliance?
2:27 Bringing importance to policies to staff
3:10 Behind the scenes of 4LK compliance process
Hey there 👋 I’m Janie Budnick - Host of the PetBiz Podcast and founder of the PetBiz University™, including the PetBizMBA® Business Accelerator and the PetBizCRM™ Relationship Manager solution. No matter how far you are down the pet business path from START to FREEDOM I we are here to help!
Friend, your entrepreneurial dreams can 100% be a reality – but, let me tell you, it’s so easy to get discouraged when you’re starting out or in the messy middle. There are so many things to learn.
PetBiz University is the one place where you can get the support and education you need for your stage of entrepreneurship!
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