Before we can work towards finding solutions to suicide, it’s important to gain a deeper understanding of it. And one of the best ways we can do this is by sharing our stories and experiences with it.
For me, I experienced chronic suicidal ideation (recurring suicidal thoughts and feelings) from the age of 19, which affected me massively throughout my twenties.
So today, I wanted to discuss these experiences in a good amount of detail to give an inside view of what suicidality can feel like.
BIG, LOUD disclaimers apply here: if you are in emotional distress or feeling vulnerable, you may not want to listen since I will obviously be discussing suicidality in detail, including a brief discussion of the methods I considered.*
However… if you ARE feeling well enough to partake, I hope today’s episode will be insightful, and maybe even comforting if you have felt suicidal in the past.
In this episode, I’ll be discussing:
- my first-hand experiences with suicidal thoughts and feelings
- what prompted these feelings – possible contributing factors – and how these thoughts manifested for me
- how I found a surprising level of comfort in thoughts of suicide
- some of the unhelpful methods I used to try and counteract my low mental health (including aimlessly driving across the UK)
- …and how hitting a rock bottom moment following a breakdown helped me start to learn how to look after myself
Thank you for being here – it really helps to expand and normalise the conversation around suicide.
Catch you next time,
*To learn more about how to talk about suicide responsibly, have a read of The Samartian’s guide here:
This episode is brought to you by Dark Coffee – development coaching to get your work and wellbeing working better together so you can feel like a badass in business.
Host: Alice Lyons from Dark Coffee
Music: ‘Solving Suicide’ by Steve Leggett
Podcast editing: Steve Leggett
If you have any questions or would like to give us any feedback, you can email Alice at
To apply to be on the show, just fill in this form.
Suicide Support Organisations (UK)
Samaritans: Confidential suicide discussion and support. Free helpline available round the clock. Text - 116123. Call - 08457 909090 Email - Website -
Mind: Support and information for anyone suffering from a mental health problem. 0300 123 3393 Website -
Saneline: Practical information, crisis care and emotional support to people affected by mental health concerns. Helpline: 0845 767 8000, open daily from 6pm – 11pm.