What is your "one thing"?
You have been born to make a lasting and eternal mark on the world with your "just one thing." Don't miss your moment, but walk confidently toward the Father while you are changing the world around you with His character. Listen for His voice as He eagerly explains to you why He made you for such a time as this.
What is your "one thing"? You may be thinking, “Mike, I’m not sure…”. WELL, let’s talk about that.
1. What grieves and even angers you can be a path to your assignment
Tears Talk. What you cry about is a clue to something you were created and ordained by God to heal. Compassion is a signpost.
What grieves you? What makes you angry? Anger Is Energy, Power, And Ability. However, it requires proper focus. Have you ever wondered why others were not angry about situations that infuriated you? Of course, you have. This is a clue to your Assignment.
Unfocused anger destroys and ruins. Focused properly, it creates miraculous change. Anger merely requires proper focus. Develop it.
See your anger as an instruction from God to stay in The Secret Place to find the solution for the problem, obtain the weapons to destroy the enemy, and develop a daily agenda designed by The Holy Spirit...to create change.
2. Perhaps Your ‘ONE THING’ is a problem that simply needs to be fixed.
You may or may not feel passionate about but it’s there and someone needs to take care of it.
You Were Created To Solve A Problem.
So when you open your eyes every morning and head out into the world you are looking into an entire world filled with problems that need YOU! Everything created is a solution...to somebody, somewhere, at some time.
You are a walking solution to somebody. You were created for a specific and very special purpose...to solve a specific problem on earth. I call this, The Assignment.
3. What You Love Could be a path to your assignment
Passion Is Magnetic.
What do you love to discuss? What do you love to hear about? What excites you? These are clues to your Assignment. These are clues to your abilities. You will always have Wisdom toward whatever you love.
Love births persistence. When you love something, you give birth to a tenacity, determination, and persistence that is extraordinary, and could very well be YOUR ONE THING!
That’s because He doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called. So wait on God, and when the time is right He will call you.