• 31 How I evaluate a good trip?

  • May 27 2022
  • Durée: 7 min
  • Podcast

  • Résumé

  • ​​A journey is best measured with friends, rather than miles. 旅行最好是用朋友數而不是英里數來衡量。   Unlike the physical beauty of Budapest, downtown Bratislava was an eclectic mix of really old architecture, run down Brutalist architecture and some ultra-modern buildings. I walked to the old town where there was a Christmas market going on and it was full of people. The vibe there was very cozy and relaxing, with tempting smells of cooked meat and warm honey wine drifting through the cold, winter air. I bought a chicken burger and a cup of honey wine to enjoy by myself. I saw another guy was also eating and drinking by himself so I asked him where he was from. It turned out he was also from out of town and was there for an exhibition. Mauro was an engineer from Italy. After finishing, he left but 10 minutes later he texted me and invited me for coffee. One of the most enjoyable parts of travelling solo is opportunities like this to meet new and interesting friends. I am sure that I would not have met Mauro or many other new people had I been travelling in a group with others I already knew. We had a lovely afternoon chatting at a modern coffee house in the old town. He left for his flight back so I stayed at the coffee shop catching up with my good friend in Barcelona online. 布拉提斯拉瓦和實質上美麗的布達佩斯不同的是它的市中心是非常老舊的建築和超級前衛的大樓綜合體。我走路到舊城看到有一個正在進行中且充滿人潮的聖誕市集。氣氛非常的溫暖而且放鬆,還有許多誘人的烤肉香和溫暖甜甜的蜂蜜酒在寒冷的冬日空氣中漂浮著。我買了一個雞肉漢堡,還有一杯蜂蜜酒一個人享受著,我看到一個男生一個人一邊喝著和吃著東西,所以我就問他是從哪裡來的。原來他也不是來自斯洛伐克而是來這裡參展。Mauro是一位來自意大利的工程師。吃完飯後,他就離開了,然而10分鐘後我收到他的簡訊的邀請去喝咖啡。其實獨自一人旅行最有趣的地方就是像這樣可以認識新的又有趣的朋友。我很肯定的如果我是和一大群認識的人一起來的話,我就不會認識Mauro還有其他的新朋友。我們一起在舊城一家非常時髦的咖啡廳一起聊天度過愉快的下午,之後他離開趕搭回家的班機,我則留下來在線上和在巴塞羅那的好朋友敘敘舊。   After that I met up with Pablo who I had hosted as a couchsurfer when I was in Barcelona and who was then in Bratislava on a working holiday. I love friends who travel because we always manage to meet in different locations or cities, and we never know where we will meet next. Pablo was from Argentina and was young and passionate about traveling. He inspired me by being very strategic about his travels too. Either he would take his mom or girlfriend on a nice holiday, or he would couchsurf and work to save up money. He was always on the road. I believe traveling doesn’t have to be expensive or a luxury for a rich few. Over these years, I have experienced both a luxurious travel lifestyle and also budget travels. I think both of these experiences are nice to have so long as you’re experiencing new cultures, new foods and meeting new friends. That always broadens your horizon in a way nothing else can. 在此之後,我和曾經在巴塞羅那接待的沙發客Pablo見面,那時的他正在布拉提斯拉瓦打工度假。我喜歡愛旅行的朋友因為我們總是可以在不同的場所和城市見面,而且我們都不知道何時會再見面。年輕的Pablo來自阿根廷,非常熱衷旅行。他非常有策略的旅行方式也非常的啓發我。有時他會帶上他的媽媽或女朋友去好好地度假,有時他會用沙發從浪的方式和一邊工作來省錢,就讓他可以一直旅行。我相信旅行不需要很貴也不是給一些有錢人家的奢侈品。在這幾年間,我體驗過豪華的旅行生活型態和便宜的旅行,但我認為兩種體驗都非常好,只要你能從中體驗到新的文化、食物和認識新朋友,因為沒有什麼比的上這些事情更能幫助你打開你的視野。   Pablo was so lovely as I remembered and he invited me to try some special local hot tea, which contained 63% alcohol. We walked around the Christmas market and visited his favorite local art museum. He also took me to the hostel where he worked and it was really unique, and reminded me of Berk’s place. As it was, Pablo also knew about Berk who was very famous for his friendliness in Bratislava. I felt really lucky to be his guest. 就像我記憶中的一樣,Pablo非常的好,見面之後立刻邀請我喝一種當地特有的「熱茶」,裡面有63%酒精。我們在聖誕市集附近走走還參觀了他最喜歡的博物館。他也帶我去他工作的青年旅捨,那個青年旅捨感覺非常的獨特,讓我想起了Berk的住所...
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