• 31 The most beautiful Christmas market is in Croatia

  • May 28 2022
  • Durée: 7 min
  • Podcast

31 The most beautiful Christmas market is in Croatia

  • Résumé

  • Own a little, see a lot. 擁有少一點,看到很多。 On the way to Zagreb in Croatia, I quickly visited Vienna in Austria because it was only two hours from Bratislava by train. It really amazed me how close these countries were physically and yet they have totally different vibes and cultures. I rented Lime, which is a small electric scooter that was quite popular on the streets in Europe and you could rent it on your mobile app with a few taps, and I quickly moved around Vienna. After a few hours of roaming around, I realized that to my own surprise I didn’t like Vienna very much. Maybe it was because I felt it was more expensive and crowded compared to Bratislava and Budapest, or perhaps because it had been overrated and over romanticised by the old me. It was probably also because I was expecting to see my Taiwanese friend Christine again, who happened to have a tour around town, however she couldn’t meet up with me because of  some issues with her group. I was a bit disappointed. 在去克羅地亞首都扎格雷布的時候,我快速的拜訪了一下奧地利的首都維也納因為從我在的布拉提斯拉瓦只要搭兩個小時的火車就到了。讓我驚訝的是,這些國家如此地相近,然而他們有著截然不同的氣氛和文化。到了維也納後,我租了一台小電動車叫Lime,可以讓我快速的移動在維也納的市中心。沒幾個小時之後,我竟然驚訝的發覺到,我不太喜歡維也納這個城市。或許是因為我感覺這個城市和我剛去的布拉提斯拉瓦還有布達佩斯比起來貴上了許多。這有可能是因為被以前的我高估和浪漫過度了。也有可能是本來想要再見到我的台灣朋友Christine,然而她在帶團發生了一些問題,而無法見面,讓我有點失望。 I was very happy to hop on my train to get to my next city, Zagreb in Croatia. It’s about a 6-hour train ride to Zagreb and the seat was very comfortable. I had received news that my original host, Alex, couldn’t receive me due to a high fever. However, at that point, I still couldn’t find any host. So I asked if Alex was feeling better and suggested that we could take care of each other if I stayed there. Alex heard about my situation and agreed to host me even though he was still a bit under the weather. 所以我非常開心地可以搭上火車前往我下一個城市,在克羅地亞的扎格雷布。大概從維也納需要六個小時,然後座位非常的舒適。我接到消息說原本我的沙發主Alex因為高燒而無法接待我,然而一直到快到了扎格雷布,我仍然找不到其他可以接待我的人,所以我又鼓起勇氣問Alex是否感覺好多了,或許我到了可以彼此互相照顧。雖然Alex還是有點不舒服,但聽到我的狀況後,就同意接待我。 Alex was from France and was working in Zagreb on the construction of and design of luxurious cars. He had been staying at home for a few days so was happy to greet me. His home was very modern and cozy. He used to live in Japan for many years, so when he heard I was going to make some gyoza and soup for him, his face lit up. Alex是來自法國然而他是來扎格雷布來設計奢華的跑車。他(因為身體不適)一個人關在家裡好幾天,所以看到我非常的開心,他的公寓也非常的時髦和溫暖。他曾經住在日本好幾年,所以他聽到我會作煎餃還有湯給他喝,他整個人就精神了起來。 The next day I went to buy groceries for gyoza and soup. It was lovely to shop in the local supermarket because you had a taste of how locals live. The weather in the Balkans was sunnier and the people seemed more friendly compared to the last few cities I visited in central and easten Europe. You should see how people were still welcoming when allowing me to use toilets in their restaurants, stores and even at an evening gala which I wasn’t invited to and only passed by. This was different from my experiences in cities like Budapest where you had to pay or become a customer to use it, which I totally respect. However, they just smiled a lot more. 隔天,我就去採買煎餃和湯的材料。在當地的超市消費非常的好玩,因為你可以感受到當地人是如何生活的。在巴爾乾半島的氣候陽光普照,所以這裡的人感覺起來也比我上幾個在中歐還有東歐旅遊的城市還要友善。你應該要看看人們是怎麼歡迎我使用他們的洗手間的,無論是在商店、餐廳、甚至是一個我並未受到邀請,而只是路過的一個豪華舞會都會很親切地讓我用他們的洗手間。這個經驗和我在布達佩斯感受的完全不同,因為在布達佩斯上廁所除非你是顧客,不然就是要錢。雖然我也很尊重每個城市不一樣的文化,然而,在扎格雷布,那裡的人笑容就是比較多。 I booked a history and photography tour in downtown Zagreb on Airbnb ...
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