• 33 The Bulkan train journey to Split turns my stomach

  • May 29 2022
  • Durée: 7 min
  • Podcast

33 The Bulkan train journey to Split turns my stomach

  • Résumé

  • At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy, and your eyes sparkling. 一天結束時,你的腳應該是髒的,你的頭髮亂糟糟的,你的眼睛閃閃發光。 At that point I had already been on over 40 train rides in Europe and all of them were quite smooth, but this one to Split was a bit difficult for me. I finally had a bit of a taste of Balkan travel. Before I departed I had heard that Balkan travel could be difficult and dangerous. I thought it was about security. However, the air conditioning in the cabin was too hot and the rail tracks were so bumpy along the way which made me feel sick. I almost threw up in the middle of the journey. 旅行到這個時候,我已經在歐洲坐了超過40趟火車,一切都滿順利。但是從扎格雷布到斯普利特的這段火車對我來說有點艱辛,因為我終於瞭解到什麼是巴爾乾半島式的旅行,在我啓程前往巴爾乾半島前,我聽說巴爾乾半島的旅行會很辛苦還有危險,我原本以為一切都是和安全問題有關,然而,這段路上車廂里的空調實在太熱,還有火車軌道整條路起伏不平上上下下跳動著讓我感覺有點惡心。我在中途還差點吐了! Split is the second biggest city in Croatia, located on the coast, the last stop of the Croatian railway. The station was quite run down and small. My host, Marin, came to pick me up with his car and helped me with my suitcase which was very nice. I came to his very minimalistic apartment and he prepared his spare room for me. Marin was working in real estate in Split and had been working hard to build his business in town. He asked me some questions about Chinese investment; too bad I had no idea about real estate and couldn’t offer much help to him. I decided to cook for him the next day. 斯普利特是克羅地亞的第二大城,坐落在海岸邊,也是克羅地亞鐵路的最後一站。它的火車站非常的老舊和小。我在斯普利特的沙發主人Marin人非常的好,不僅開車來接我還幫我提行李。我來到他非常極簡的公寓里,他準備了他的空客房給我。Marin是在斯普利特的房地產公司上班,而且也在市中非常積極的建立自己的生意。他問我有關中國投資的問題,可惜我對房地產一竅不通,所以沒能幫上忙。我決定隔天給他做飯。 The next day, Marin dropped me off at the old town in the morning and I waited for my tour guide to show up. This was something else that I booked with Airbnb experience. The tour guide was very knowledgeable about the history of Split and we walked through almost every area of the old town and outside of the very famous Diocletian Palace. I enjoyed the walk-around and seeing the old sites, however, I couldn’t really connect to the stories. It happened a lot on the trips actually; I found I was more interested in chatting with and learning things from fellow travelers rather than learning about many historical details and dates. I remember how uninterested I was in school about history. Even though the teacher was really good at telling stories, I always dozed off in the class. What I learnt through traveling was that everyone has different tastes and interests in what they want to see and do. So I would not probably be hitting the shopping mall in every city, and I might feel a bit bored with the history, but hey, I was where the history had actually happened. For that I was proud. 隔天早晨,Marin把我送到舊城然後我就等我的嚮導出現。這也是我在airbnb體驗中預定的另外一個行程。導遊對於斯普利特的歷史非常的瞭解,而且我們幾乎走遍了舊城的每一個角落還有戴克里先宮殿的外圍。我很享受到處走走還有親眼看到古蹟,然而,我卻和歷史故事無法有太多的連結,其實這常常發生在我的旅行路上。我發現我對於和同行的遊客聊天比學習認識那些歷史細節還有日期還要感興趣。我記得在學校時我對歷史學科多麼地不感興趣。雖然老師很會說故事,然而我在課上卻常常睡著,這也讓我在旅行中學到每個人想要看和作的事情都有不同的品味和興趣。雖然我不會去每個城市的購物商城而且對於歷史感到無聊,但是,嘿!我現在在歷史發生的地方,這就是讓我覺得十分驕傲的事。 That evening, I cooked Tom Yum Soup (a spicy soup from Thailand) and Green Curry rice for Marin. His kitchen was not very well equipped but I managed to make them yummy with very minimal tools. Travel really made me realize how capable I was. Give me some Asian ingredients and a stove, I could perform magic! Marin was not very used to spicy food, but he managed to clean his plates and ate the whole bowl of spicy soup with his eyes both watering which I found really adorable. 那晚,我煮了泰式的宮陰湯還有綠咖喱給Marin吃。...
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