• 34 Last stop in Eurail journey

  • May 30 2022
  • Durée: 7 min
  • Podcast

  • Résumé

  • Not all who wander are lost. 並不是所有的流浪者都是迷失。 Luka came to pick me up at a station near him called Latina. It was about one hour train ride from Rome. As soon as we got in his car, he handed me his phone and asked me to be his DJ. I played music I liked from his phone and I introduced him to a few Taiwanese bands I like, for example Mayday and F.I.R. Luka loved receiving guests and learning English and cultures from couchsurfers. I could also see Luka was indeed very serious about his learning. Every day he spent one hour reading aloud from his book. He was also very keen to speak with me every day to practice his spoken English, and showed me all the scenic places around his town. Luka來到了離他家最近的車站叫Latina來接我,差不多是離羅馬大約一個小時的火車車程吧。當我一踏進入到他的車里,Luka立刻把他的手機交給我,並且要我做他的音樂DJ。我就播放了幾個我喜歡的台灣樂團像是五月天還有飛兒樂團。Luka非常喜愛接待沙發客,因為他可以借此學習英文還有不同國家的文化。我也感覺到Luka相當認真在學習英語。每天,他都會花一個小時一邊讀書,一邊大聲的念英語。當我待在那裡的時候,他也每天非常積極的和我練習英文,並且帶我去幾個離他家近的景點。 Luka was a photographer and a fitness instructor. He lived by the beach and had a very healthy lifestyle. He gave me his spare room where I could listen to the ocean and wake up to say hello to the beach in the morning. Luka是一個攝影師兼健身教練。他住在海邊並擁有一個非常健康的生活型態。他給我休息的客房讓我每天早晨都能看到海並聽到海浪聲。 I cooked for Luka almost every night that I stayed with him, and introduced him to lots of different kinds of Asian food. Luka had an open mind for food too. It was just very nice to be able to show him new food and try new recipes. Luka had a fully equipped kitchen and he didn’t mind doing the dishes afterwards. After his fitness class, Luka would take me to the nearby beach towns to have coffee and give me tours here and there. Before meeting Luka, I had only seen big cities in Italy like Rome, Milan and Florence. However, the small town was tranquill and lovely too, especially when walking and enjoying it with a local. 當我住在Luka家時,我幾乎每晚都會煮飯給Luka吃,而且為他介紹各種不同的亞洲食物。Luka非常願意嘗試各種不同的食物。Luka有一個設備非常齊全的廚房,而且也不介意飯後洗碗。他上完健身課後,會帶我到附近的海濱小城去喝咖啡還有到處逛逛。在遇見Luka之前,我只有去過在意大利像是羅馬、米蘭還有佛羅倫薩這樣的大城市。然而在意大利的小城鎮更是寧靜又可愛,特別是可以和一個當地人四處走走的時候。 One morning after working on the computer, I cried in front of Luka because I felt the uncertainty of the future and it scared me too. I was stressed out. I knew I was going back to Taiwan, but I didn’t know what I would do there. It also felt like my travel life was ending, too. Luka was so lovely, didn’t mind me crying and encouraged me with his own story. He said he could relate a lot to my situation. Just like me, Luka had chosen not to get an office job and became self-employed. However, sometimes this lifestyle had its own downsides and sacrifices too. 有天早上在電腦前工作完畢之後,忽然感到對未來的不確定性,害怕的我,竟然在Luka面前哭了。我感覺壓力好大。因為我要回台灣了,但是我並不清楚我回台灣要做什麼,甚至我也感覺到我的旅遊生涯要結束了。Luka人好好,並不介意我在他面前哭而且也用他的故事鼓勵我。他說對我的情況他十分能夠體會,因為就像我一樣,Luka也選擇放棄他在辦公室前的工作然後變成一個自由職業者。然而這樣的生活型態的確有他的缺點和犧牲。 In the afternoon, Luka wanted to cheer me up and took me to an organic farm where he often purchased his groceries from. He told me he used to sell eggs from the farm and saw the unhappy chickens in the cage. He became really unhappy too. At that point he made a change in his career and pursued what his heart told him to. He was a lot happier. Also now, he only ate eggs from free-range chickens on organic farms. 下午時,由於Luka想要讓我開心一點,他就帶我到附近他常購買農產品的有機農場。他告訴我他以前在農場販賣雞蛋,並且看著籠子里非常不開心的雞。他也漸漸地變得越來越不開心。所以在那一刻他就決定要轉變他的職業,然後追求他心嚮往的事情。他現在變得比較開心了,而且他也只吃在這些自由放牧養雞場所生產的雞蛋。 He told me this while pointing out the chickens in the farm...
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