Very special shoutout to the community in discord and Twitch for joining in and playing a few super hard rounds of Killing Floor 2 with the G33ks!
Rfritz. IllethP. ZeElmo. FreedSnipers. Chigo_the_Bear.
You guys are super awesome and lets play some more real soon!!
Be sure to subscribe to Tenacious Geeks podcast on your favorite podcast app, drop a review so we know how we're doing and feel free to contact us via DISCORD with any comments, suggestions or questions for the show.
- @KhaotikLOL
- @TheFerg420
- @ThatBajaGuy
- @TenaciousGeeks
Links to our twitch channels:
Join the Tenacious Geeks Discord server and come hang with us and other like minded geeks and gamers! We will be doing live shows of the podcast, giveaways, stream-a-thons and watch parties and a lot more! So join today! Click here to join our Discord!