As 2024 ends, we are excited to bring you a truly inspiring story. Today’s guest, Lisa Kent, has embarked on a year-long journey, sharing a daily post of gratitude every single day in 2024. Each day, she shares a couple of sentences and a photo to show what she’s thankful for, and it’s all shared publicly on social media. We’ll dive into what inspired her to start this journey, why she chose to make it public, and what unexpected lessons and blessings she’s discovered along the way.
To know Lisa is to love her, which is why her journey of gratitude will inspire us all to notice more, appreciate more, and perhaps even express our own gratitude in new ways.
Special Guest:
Lisa Kent is a transplant to Columbia, though she’s made her home there for the past 18 years. Originally hailing from Arizona, she moved to the Midwest in 1995 to marry her husband, Steve Kent. Lisa is a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher and holds certifications in several Les Mills programs as well as in personal training. In her previous career, before moving to Missouri, she was a music therapist serving psychiatric populations. She continues to bring her love of music and her passion for fitness together to motivate and inspire.
Lisa is also a writer and enjoys reflecting on the sacred in the ordinary of everyday life. She’s been published in the Columbia Tribute, COMO Living magazine, and the Huffington Post. Her most recent project is a memoir-in-progress.