Tips for starting pepper seeds. How to care for pepper seedlings. With Debbie Flower.
Protecting your yard and home from wildfire. With Kevin Marini, University of California Defensible Space advisor.
Previous episodes, show notes, links, product information, and accurate, human-reviewed transcripts at the home site for Garden Basics with Farmer Fred, Transcripts and episode chapters also available at Buzzsprout.
Pictured: Pepper Seed Packets
“Beyond the Garden Basics” Newsletter
Smart Pots
Dave Wilson Nursery
More Pepper Seed Germination TIps
The Dance of Defensible Space, by Kevin Marini
UCANR Fire Network: Creating a Defensible Space
U. Nevada-Reno: Mulch and Flammability
CalFire Demonstration Fire Video
IBHS Research Center Ember Storm Test Video
FireSafe Marin
CA Native Plant Society list of fire-resistant plants
Utah State University, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Vail, Colo., Ashland, Oregon, Minnesota/Wisconsin, Fort Worth, TX
All About Farmer Fred:
“Beyond the Garden Basics” Newsletter
Farmer Fred website
The Farmer Fred Rant! Blog
Facebook: "Get Growing with Farmer Fred"
Instagram: farmerfredhoffman
Blue Sky:
Farmer Fred Garden Minute Videos on YouTube
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