
  • 3Cs Season 0, Episode 4: Storytelling, Academics, Skills from Theatre, and Ornamental Spherical Elements
    Mar 9 2022

    In this episode: labor papers and archives, thoughts about retirement, storytelling and the Catholic church, sins in a booth, pot retail costs in 1967, wax museum and more stories, imagination, Provost for a Day, the Introversion Institute of Idaho, academic freedom and academic responsibility, community, specialization within a department, tenure, theater historian, hallway hellos, equity contracts and points, do directorial skills transfer into dean and chair leadership skills, dean as producer, chair as stage manager, vision and strategic planning, performing a play with nudity or profanity, imposter syndrome, learning during COVID, ornamental spherical elements

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    50 min
  • 3Cs Season 0, Episode 3: All About Teaching: Creativity, Coursera, Prerequisites, Dramatic Action, Transferable Skills, and the Ramble
    Mar 9 2022

    In this episode: teaching capacity, MOOCs and Mean Streets, freeing faculty to be creative in teaching, Leslie's gavel, using Coursera, the myth of prerequisite effectiveness, enrollment management, dramatic action in theatre, transferable skills, parking lot psychology, the passion for arts and sciences, the ramble zone, looking back to move forward, account strings and donuts, salary overpayment (oh my)

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    38 min
  • 3Cs Season 0, Episode 2: Summer Haircuts (Not Princess Leia Buns), Travel, Growing Up, Vocational Training, Deans as Magicians
    Mar 9 2022

    In this episode: an online cinema course, unprofessional vs. professional hair, Princess Leia buns, summer travel and growing up, Chicago, vacations on the Oregon coast, daughters and music aspirations, higher education and vocational training, jobs, careers, and lifelong skills (including the plumber), meaning assessment and spreading peanut butter, Richard tells another story, stretching dollars and the Dean's magic act, Arts Anchor (the challenge of naming stuff)

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    43 min
  • 3Cs Season 0, Episode 1: Overture, This Is It: It's Not You, It's Me -- Clearly Communicating Podcast Fun
    Mar 9 2022

    In this inaugural episode: introductions, telling stories, how long we have been at Boise State, BA/BS distinctions, audition tapes, the interim risk for university jobs, being talked into a podcast, the fun of reflection, Leslie's shyness, Chair's Council, the changing face of higher education, budgets, permission on where we can work, clear communications with faculty, start your retirement paperwork now, improvisation

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    40 min