Do you have things you want to say online that you're holding back? Are there stories you're not sharing because they involve trauma and other people?
This kind of real AF storytelling and leadership that a) people are dying for more of and b) builds massive trust and has people lining up to pay you as an expert.
But how do you get over the fear of saying the damn thing??
In this episode I break down exactly what leadership is, what it isn't, how to do it, and how to protect yourself online from the people that don't (or won't) get it.
I also address what holds people back from sharing their truth and perspectives, and how to tell your origin story in service of your future clients even when it could potentially put others in a negative light.
As always, I sprinkle my personal journey (and bumps) with sharing my story and reveal the KEY FACTOR to keep in mind when you do.
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