Scott Marut is a successful small business owner (Marut & Sons Excavating Inc). Today we talk: What led you to believe I could be a working local musician? Tell me in your words the history of my side hustle, Eric Andrews Basement Recordings You own a small business – what do you love about running a business? How do you manage tasks in your business that you don’t enjoy or are not as skilled at? How would you advise a local musician getting a side hustle music business together with this same question? How do you measure success in business? What about life? Do you have any advice for a musician, or anyone, about starting a new business? What do you think about social media for a musician? What do you see you like and what is annoying? Do you have any financial advise for a musician starting a side hustle? What kind of product would you recommend a musician put out there. I know you’re not a musician per se, but you and I have talked and you’ve made suggestions over the years that have helped me. Can you talk about what you think a musician – again trying to do this as a side hustle – what kind of “product” they should deliver at restaurant/winery/bar venues? This kind of goes with the question about, but what would recommend to a musician from an image standpoint? You told me once when I cut my hair that I now looked like a responsible and professional 50 year old singer – what did you mean by that? Is it true you make your office staff dress appropriately? Your daughter sings – she’s fantastic. She’s sang with me at solo gigs and recently played a set with me and my friends. I know you had thought that maybe she could put together a side hustle. Ultimately that’s her choice and commitment, but please share what advise you gave her. Why you thought it would be cool. I think that insight may help my audience as they take the next step or progress in their current business. --- Support this podcast: