This one goes out to all the singing mamas out there, the musical mamas to be, the singers who also aspire to be mothers one day.
Can we just say… motherhood is hard! It is both the most difficult thing I’ve ever done AND the most rewarding.
So what does all of this mean for your creative life, your music, your voice, your art?
Today’s episode is more of a candid, open conversation in which I’ll share a bit of my story, but I also want to give you some ideas in terms of what has worked for me when it comes to balancing motherhood and artistry as a singer. I hope this episode will give you a dose of encouragement to keep singing through it all, and reassurance that you can do and be both.
Though it may look different and require adaptation… though it may feel impossible to find the time and energy for singing and making music when you’ve been pouring everything you have into your children… you can be BOTH a mother AND an artist.
<3 Lainey
Related Episode: 11 | How to Make Time for Music When You Have No Time
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