Most people go about their lives reacting to the circumstances they are in and the events they experience.
There is another way to live, a way of curating how you feel and creating the reality around you on purpose.
In this episode of the Playful Spirituality podcast Cara dives into the distinction between these two; reacting versus creating.
She shares a personal (and a little bit embarrassing) experience of this recently in her life, to demonstrate how normal it is even for those who know how to create on purpose, to sometimes slip back into just reacting.
If this is you lately don’t worry!
You may not even realize that you have slipped into reacting instead of creating, and that life could feel so much better than it does!
Cara teaches the three very simple steps to gently come back into a place of creating your life on purpose.
Give a listen and see just how easy it can be to move back into the driver's seat.
-> Be sure to sign up for the free gift that Cara offers to help you expand this further, in a really fun way: Not Your Mama’s Manifestation workshop.
If you’re ready to get serious and create the life, you’ve always dreamed of Cara’s gift to you in this episode is a 20% discount on the manifestation magic course! Use code MANIFEST20 at checkout - Manifestation Magic
To keep exploring this topic, and get really juicy information on how creating the way you want to live and feel can be done… listen to Episode 33 and Episode 35
Oh and if you're feeling really thrown off course, be sure to check out the energy work and meditation that Cara references in the episode, on taking your power back
Episode 13 ________________________________________________________
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