What if you could change the way you feel about your life in an instant?
What if you could feel truly positive about your home, your partner, your body, your job?
To suddenly feel proud of it all, grateful for it, like you want to shout from the rooftops how wonderful it is?
To feel in awe of, and admire your body
To feel proud of, and in love with your partner
To enjoy and savor your home, your job, your friends.
All without ANYTHING having to be different…
What if you had an antidote to the repetitive self criticism and judgment of ourselves and others that we subtly feel every day?
That’s what this episode is about.
In her honest, irreverent way Cara will share examples and the insights she’s getting herself as she plays with this way of shifting perspective.
We all know that when we shift our perspective we shift everything. SO enjoy this new tool and the changes you can make with it!
Ready to dive into the creation of a life beyond your dreams? Happiness is something you can cultivate and continue to expand exponentially. Check out Cara’s course, Manifestation Magic and find out what you are truly capable of receiving.
Connect with Cara!
Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
Facebook Page - https://www.facebook.com/caraviana
YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana