Adrienne Ammerman is a health communications professional with 18 years of experience at the local, regional, state, & national levels. She has dedicated her career to empowering health communicators to support their communities with evidence-based, culturally competent, and measurable health information.
In 2019, through her work with WNC Health Network, Adrienne initiated the creation of a collective impact collaborative that has grown to include health communicators representing public health agencies, hospitals, and community-based partners across the 18 counties of western North Carolina. During the pandemic, Adrienne coordinated a customizable regional communications campaign to build local communicators’ capacity to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19. Highlighted by the CDC as a model strategy, this approach is now being adapted in WNC for use with other priority health issues.
Adrienne holds an MA in communications with a concentration in health communication from Johns Hopkins University and was a 2023 Information Futures Fellow at Brown University School of Public Health.
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