This week we get into some heavy reading to discuss the manifestos from the Green Party, Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems and Reform. Is it worth reading them? Which manifesto ranks the best? We've done the reading to help you make an informed decision (and to get you reading them too). In the spotlight: Independent candidates, Jeremy Corbyn, Faiza Shaheen and Leanne Mohamad Support Friends of Congo: here What's going on in DR Congo: Huge expansion in cobalt and copper mining is ‘wrecking lives’ - new report. What's going on in Sudan: Civilians still being killed and displaced after six months of conflict For updates on the latest news in Sudan, follow bsonblast and sudaneseresistancefront on Instagram. Israel’s occupation of the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip - a summary written by Amnesty International Books on the history of Palestine - Recommended by Sim Kern The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine - by Ilan Pappe The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonial Conquest and Resistance - by Rashid I. Khalidi Palestine Paperback (Graphic Novel) - by Joe Sacco Social media accounts to stay informed about activity in Palestine: Live from Gaza@motaz_azaiza @byplestia @ahmedhijazee @aborjelaa @salma_shurrab @joegaza93 Content hubs@eye.on.palestine @cravingpalestine @qudsnen @theimeu @mondoweiss Analysis@mohammedelkurd @gazangirl @adnan_barq @jenanmatari Organizations you can donate to: Restless Beings - an international human rights organisation supporting marginalised communities globally. You can donate to their...