Not a game we want to play - but let's do it anyway! Take a guess: (reported) Cybercrime rakes in more $ than how many U.S. states do in TAX REVENUE annually?
(FY22 per Statista - and of course, this is only REPORTED crime).
I think you know where we're going with this.
It's bad - and getting worse.
Policy won't stop it. It's on us.
Benjamin Franklin said, "Distrust and caution are the parents of security."
Businesses, people need to flex their distrust.
No email trust.
No text message trust.
Everything gets questioned.
We lock down what matters (check out our human-speak guide:
Tragically, it's a matter of life and death for some.
Listen to our 10-min update on the latest scam tragedies that you and I need to be talking about.
Share with a friend who could be at risk. Okay, let's be real - we all are at risk - so share, then share again.