In this episode, I talked about The Story of Korean Cuisine!
#Korean QNA
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#Transcript & Vocabulary
(00:00) -인트로 Intro
(02:58) - 1. 한식이란 무엇인가? What is Korean Cuisine?
(04:17) - 2. 한식의 특징 Characteristics of Korean Cuisine
(04:34) - 2.1) 한상차림 The Traditional Korean Table Setting (Hansang-charim)
(07:00) - 2.2) 밥과 반찬의 구분 The Distinction Between Rice and Side Dishes
(10:51) - 2.3) 발효 음식의 발달 The Development of Fermented Foods
(18:08) - 2.4) 국과 함께 먹는 문화 Culture of Eating with Soup
(20:33) - 3. 대표적인 반찬의 종류 Types of Representative Banchan
(21:16) - 3.1) 채소 반찬 Vegetable Side Dishes
(25:13) - 3.2) 고기(육류) 반찬 Meat Side Dishes
(30:30) - 3.3) 생선 반찬 Fish Side Dishes
(32:40) -엔딩 Ending
#Main Vocabulary
🔹한식 (Korean cuisine) (韓国料理)
🔹반찬 (side dish) (おかず)
🔹식문화 (food culture) (食文化)
🔹식재료 (food ingredients) (食材)
🔹영양소(nutrient) (栄養素)
🔹균형 있게(in a balanced way) (バランスよく)
🔹발효 음식 (fermented food) (発酵食品)
🔹양념 (seasoning, spices) (薬味 / 調味料)
🔹곡류(grains, cereals) (穀類)
🔹채소(vegetables) (野菜)
🔹목축업(livestock farming) (牧畜業)
🔹소금에 절이다(to salt, to pickle in salt) (塩漬けにする)