Sunday, January 26 2025
Lord, Help Me Be Generous with my treasures and my resources.
How generous you are just might be determined by what you think about these three things. Time, talent, treasures. When someone asks you to serve, whose time are you giving up? When someone is in need of skills you have, are those your skills? When you consider giving and you look at your finances, whose money is it? If it is your time, your skills and your money it will be very hard to be generous. However, if it is God’s time, after all He created it and He alone knows how much you have. If it is God who has blessed you with the skills and abilities you have. If we realize that everything we have is actually owned by our Heavenly Father in the first place, then generosity in all three areas becomes an act of thanksgiving back to our God! Using our time, talent, and treasures for His glory is an act of worship!