Kim recorded a Podcast about renewing your mind through God's word and aligning your thoughts with His peace. I think you'll find it really encouraging and packed with helpful insights, so definitely check it out when you have a moment! Objective To align your thoughts with God's peace by using biblical principles and affirmations. This aims to minimize misunderstandings, errors, and accuracy in executing Godly mental renewal.
Key Steps - Identify Negative Thoughts
- Choose Biblical Affirmations
- Understand God’s Character
- Recognize the Enemy’s Tactics
- Practice Mind Renewal
- Ask Reflective Questions
Watch the podcast on Youtube - Be sure to subscribe!!
FREE… The Our Father Prayer Process: a quick daily reflection to increase your connection with God to stimulate a peace within. Get access here:
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God loves you so much and is always for you no matter what you have done! You are enough through Christ right now!
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