If there's one thing the Lazy Girls love it's a good ol' rom com. But we can't help but think there really hasn't been a good rom com in a while...so it begs the questions, is the rom com dead? Listen as the Lazy Girls become the movie critics no one asked for and dissect the downfall of the rom com and other things that have absolutely nothing to do with movies. Like a scattered rambling between old friends on facetime, you'll never want to hang up. So for some company walking to the bus, or while you're cooking dinner, have a listen and let us know your thoughts! Join in the convo over on our Insta @thelazygirlguide Wanna hear more? Wanna keep the lazy train going? Please ‘subscribe’ on Apple or ‘follow’ on Spotify (we will love you forever if you leave a 5-star review also). Check out more down below xx Buy us a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lazygirlguide Listen to our expertly created playlists on Spotify (we swear there’s one you will like). Thanks for you so much listening, it means the world to us. Stay lazy xx