Swami Sarvapriyananda teaches one of the shortest and most profound upanishads accompanied with Gaudapada's Karika. This lecture covers Chapter 4 Karika 61-73. Karika 61 & 62: yathā svapne dvayābhāsaṃ cittaṃ calati māyayā | tathā jāgraddvayābhāsaṃ cittaṃ calati māyayā || 61 || advayaṃ ca dvayābhāsaṃ cittaṃ svapne na saṃśayaḥ | advayaṃ ca dvayābhāsaṃ tathā jāgranna saṃśayaḥ || 62 || Karika 63: svapnadṛk pracaran svapne dikṣu vai daśasu sthitān | aṇḍajān svedajānvā'pi jīvān paśyati yān || 63 || Karika 64: svapnadṛkcittadṛśyāste na vidyante tataḥ pṛthak | tathā taddṛśyamevedaṃ svapnadṛkcittamiṣyate || 64 || Karika 65: caran jāgarite jāgraddikṣu vai daśasu sthitān | aṇḍajān svedajānvā'pi jīvānpaśyati yānsadā || 65 || jāgraccittekṣaṇīyāste na vidyante tataḥ pṛthak | tathā taddṛśyamevedaṃ jāgrataścittamiṣyate || 66 || Karika 67: ubhe hyanyonyadṛśye te kiṃ tadastīti nocyate | lakṣaṇāśūnyamubhayaṃ tanmatenaiva gṛhyate || 67 || Karika 68: yathā svapnamayo jīvo jāyate mriyate'pi ca | tathā jīvā amī sarve bhavanti na bhavanti ca || 68 || yathā māyāmayo jīvo jāyate mriyate'pi ca | tathā jīvā amī sarve bhavanti na bhavanti ca || 69 || yathā nirmitako jīvo jāyate mriyate'pi ca | tathā jīvā amī sarve bhavanti na bhavanti ca || 70 || Karika 71: na kaścijjāyate jīvaḥ saṃbhavo'sya na vidyate | etattaduttamaṃ satyaṃ yatra kiṃcinna jāyate || 71 || Karika 72: cittaspandikamevedaṃ grāhyagrāhakavaddvayam | cittaṃ nirviṣayaṃ nityamasaṃgaṃ tena kīrtitam || 72 || Karika 73: yo'sti kalpitasaṃvṛtyā paramārthena nāstyasau | paratantrābhisaṃvṛtyā syānnāsti paramārthataḥ || 73 || ► To support the Vedanta Society of New York: http://bit.ly/SupportVedantaNY Primary Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/vedantany Web: http://vedantany.org Soundcloud: http://Soundcloud.com/VedantaNY iTunes Podcast: http://bit.ly/vedanta-talks-itunes Google Play: http://bit.ly/vedanta-talks-google-play ABOUT VEDANTA Vedanta is one of the world’s most ancient religious philosophies and one of its broadest. Based on the Vedas, the sacred scriptures of India, Vedanta affirms the oneness of existence, the divinity of the soul, and the harmony of religions. ABOUT US Vedanta Society of New York is affiliated with the Ramakrishna Order of India. In fact, this is the Order's first Center started by Swami Vivekananda, in 1894. It was a historic event, for the seed of the world-wide Ramakrishna Movement was sown here in New York over a century ago. Swami Sarvapriyananda is the present Resident Minister and Spiritual Leader of the Vedanta Society of New York.