Hey there! Okay, we hope youre as excited as we are for this episode with Kristine McGlinchey where we dive into her work giving readings from Spirit Babies and Womb Healing. We love her perspective on healing our FUTURE ancestors, raising conscious children and honoring ourselves through it all. It's a juicy one! - Gina + Kris
Key Highlights:
Understanding Spirit Babies: Kristine introduces the concept of spirit babies, portraying them not just as souls of departed children but also possibly as future ancestors deeply invested in our personal growth, relationships, and purpose discovery.
Ancestral Healing and Trauma: We dive into the impact of ancestral wounds and traumas on the conception journey and Kristine emphasizes the need to address these deep-rooted issues for sustainable healing and the well-being of future generations.
Womb Healing Practices: Kristine shares empowering practices for womb healing, highlighting the mind-body-spirit connection and the importance of creating a nurturing space for creativity, abundance, and joy within the womb.
Surrender and Receptivity: Recognizing the balance between masculine and feminine energies, Kristine discusses the importance of surrender, trust, and receptivity in the conception process, allowing space for the energetic presence of spirit babies to manifest.
So many perspective shifts in this episode! Here's how you can connect with Kristine:
Kristine’s Website: https://www.kristinemcglinchey.com/
Kristine’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kristine_mcglinchey/
If you'd like to be on our show or have any recommendations or questions, complete the form on our homepage or send us a DM on Instagram.
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