Welcome back to the show my Friend! We have to talk about seasons a little bit. No, I don't mean seasons that bring dumps of fluffy white snow, or seasons of warm air and hot sun warming our faces.
Seasons of unsettledness, overwhelm, more on our plates <-- those types of seasons
I myself am ALSO in one of these seasons right now....which is partly why this episode is a day late dropping into your podcast players 😉
Are you in a place of chaos, stress, overwhelm and feeling unsettled right now?
Whether the external stressors you are facing right now are coming from work, personal life, relationships, money, the world....SO many different circumstances can threaten to throw us off track and derail us from our big picture goals, priorities and dreams.
In this episode today, we will talk about... WHAT do we need to do in difficult seasons to ensure we don't get off track?
The answer --> setting our BIGGEST priorities that align with our big picture goals, dreams, hopes....
I encourage you,
- take some notes
- identify your top 2-3 biggest priority 'categories' in your life right now
- tackle one small task in each of these categories each day
Don't loose hope, difficult seasons always pass eventually. How we persevere and stay strong is what matters 💪🏻
You've got this friend!
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