In this episode of Help Best, I talk about learned helplessness—how it develops in mentorship relationships and how we can prevent it. When clients become overly dependent on their mentors for every step, they stop progressing independently. Our job as mentors isn't to do the work for them; it's to guide them in adopting the Simple Six model, helping them overcome internal barriers, and empowering them to sustain their own success.
We speed up their adoption of the model by providing tools, instructions, and mentorship—not by solving every problem for them. Long-term success comes when clients can run and grow their gyms independently. Our role is to hold them accountable and coach them through essential habits, like focus, without creating a dependency on us.
Ultimately, mentorship should help clients become self-sufficient entrepreneurs capable of scaling and thriving on their own terms. Learned helplessness occurs when we let them off the hook for responsibilities that build resilience and success.
Hope this episode helps you reflect on your role as a mentor and inspires new ways to foster independence in your clients.