Cory and Bill welcome their first guest, Long Island's finest and a lifelong Joelhole, Anthony Miale (Emmy winning TV editor!) to cover Glass Houses. They taste crazy natural wines (you just may be a luuuunatic to drink them) and play lots of glass breaking sound effects. Too many sound effects? You may be right! 🔗CONNECT WITH US 📸Instagram: @Rose_Instead 🐦Twitter: @Rose_Instead _______ 🎤HOSTED BY: Cory Cavin (@corycavin) Bill Grandberg Guest: Anthony Miale (@anferno) Wine Expert: Catherine Luke O'Rourke (@cellaryinc) Produced by: Jeremy Balon (@remybalon) Voiceover by: Katie Sieber (@katiejeanne18) at Seltzer Kings Studios (@seltzerkings) _______ Glass Houses is the seventh studio album by American singer-songwriter Billy Joel, released on March 12, 1980 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit