Perlina Lau is one of the kindest, funniest, and most talented storytellers on the planet.
In this episode, we take a bite out of how Perlina has built a successful career in media, television, film, radio, and beyond. We also ask the deep questions around representation, creating safe spaces for truly authentic storytelling, and talk a little bit of shit along the way because why the heck not!? Sit down, grab a snack or a quad-shot latte, and enjoy this conversation with Perlina. We sure did! Follow us on Instagram and share your engaged, kind feedback with us both! Also, as always, please subscribe, like, share, and tell all your friends about AID AND ABET if you think they'd love a good 'ol fizz up in their creative lives! "No bullshit, all love..."
Produced by Cassie Roma and Vanessa McGowan. Music "Big City Women" by Tattletale Saints.