When Is it Appropriate to Charge for Online Ministry?
In today’s social media and internet age, if you’re anything like us, you’ve probably seen it all when it comes to ministry scams or shams or ways to get paid.
These have caused a great stigma when sharing the gospel…
A lot of people want little to do with anything remotely resembling church or ministry because they’ve seen too many scandals or controversies or scams.
Furthemore, we now have online ministries galore, offering a panoply of products or services. And maybe you're an online minister yourself.
So, if you’re in ministry, you’ll want to listen to this teaching until the end. You'll be glad you did.
P.S. I've just released a new book that is meant to Break Off the Spirit of Poverty & Unlock Your Financial Breakthrough: Just Decrees for Your Finances. You can get your copy here: https://www.amazon.ca/Just-Decrees-Your-Finances-Breakthrough/dp/1777778441