7 things to do during lockdown for self-improvement “When you have more free time, use it well to build your mind and body. Don’t waste it on things that make you lazy and desperate.”
Most people may be desperate and in fear because of this ongoing lockdown. Most people are scared and worried about their jobs, businesses, and their lives. This lockdown time maybe like a prison time but you have still freedom in this prison to do things you want.
Can your fear and worry help you fix anything?
No, right? Instead, they take away your present-day peace and happiness. Stop fearing and worrying about the future. Think of how you can become better and get ready for upcoming difficulties that you think may happen in your life.
“It’s absolute foolishness to dwell and suffer about your future that you can never see and control now.”
Most of us have left many things in our lives without pursuing or doing them as we didn’t have time. But the wonderful thing is, you have time now. You can use this valuable time to do things that you always thought of doing in your lifetime.
It may be anything which may include singing, dancing, playing a musical instrument, spending time with your family, learning a skill. Don’t make this time a bad time. Instead, make as many happy and valuable moments as possible.
There are several areas of life that need improvement. Spend time on those areas and learn the skills and gain as much knowledge as possible. Prepare for new jobs and take courses and lessons online. Grow more skills for your existing job and stand out from the competition.
Here are some ideas you can make use of in your free time at home for self-improvement.
- Pursue a hobby: You may always want to have a new hobby that you didn’t pursue because of a lack of time. But now you have time. It may be singing, dancing, reading, writing, painting, etc. You know what you love. So start learning that hobby. Sometimes these hobbies can bring out your talents and help you start side hustles that make you money.
“Find three hobbies you love: One to make money, one to keep you in shape and one to be creative.”
- Take online lessons: Take any classes that interest you. There are several free and paid courses online. You can choose from a wide variety of courses available on the internet. Choose that’s interesting to you and learn as much as possible about that topic. You can use blogs, podcasts, and other sources to dig deeper into the subject and learn more.
- Spend time with family: You won’t have much time to spend with family as you stay occupied with your work every day. You spend very less time with your family and they are more valuable. Spend time with them. Share your experiences. Listen to them. Play some interesting games with them. The most important thing is to make memories that last.
- Catch up with your buddies: It may be very rare you spoke to your friends and relatives who you care about. You can call them and share your life and listen to them. You can discuss many things and you can remember your old memories.
- Watch inspiring movies: Don’t watch everything. Watch, that makes a difference. Watch something inspiring and that helps you feel good. If you don’t know what to watch, you can google for the best inspirational movies online. Watch them with your family or friends at home. They add value to your thoughts and life.
- Do something new: There are many things we didn’t do. There are things we ignored. Think about such things and do at least one thing and see how it feels. For example, you cooked nothing in your life. Search for your favorite food recipe and try cooking it on your own.
- Meditate and exercise: Most people don’t have time in everyday life to do them. But they are useful to us. Think about this human body as a machine. If you keep using this machine without giving it rest or without fixing the repairs, will the machine work effectively? No. Right? The same way our human body is like a machine. You need to repair it by meditation for mind and exercise for the body. Do mediation exercise whenever you want. Don’t think about time. It may be morning or evening as the important thing is to get started.
There may be many more ideas of your own. You can do them. Don’t stress yourself so much. Start small and make sure you are loving what you are doing. Take naps if you need rest. Then keep doing things in your free time and improve yourself.
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