April and Glen continue their conversation with Joni Lee, Vice Chancellor for University Affairs & Chief Government Relations Officer for the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, in this second part of their interview with Joni. April and Glen hear how Joni emphasizes relationships in her work, though her efforts have recently become more difficult, as many in government have become more motivated by tribal or party considerations in their decision-making and sometimes seem less amenable to respectful and open discussions. The current difficulties of finding compromise on many issues are worsened by partisan or external threats, which may lead them to vote counter to their values or beliefs. In some ways, she sees political struggles as having moved from a win/lose to a life/death perception in their intensity. Nevertheless, working in a political arena requires respect for the influence of power. Joni describes her ways of coping and persevering in her efforts, which include her faith, a willingness to listen, and a commitment to civility and respect. Joni offers advice for avoiding polarizing behavior in interactions with others, as well as offering suggestions for how citizens can become involved in positive ways that make a contribution to society. Finally, Joni recounts her family’s joking about her frequent visits to “old stuff” when viewing historic sites in DC. Those visits, however, help her to maintain hope in the resilience of our American system, which has experienced many prior struggles, yet continues to survive.