Does receiving feedback or criticism trigger alarm bells in your mind? Does it become a dreaded conversation where you feel attacked, rather than an open conversation you welcome and learn from?
If that’s you, join me this week on the podcast as I teach you 3 strategies you can implement today to turn feedback and criticism into endless opportunities in your life and career.
HSPs can find these conversations difficult and we dive into the reasons why as it is important to understand our context and automatic reactions.
Then we start shifting towards the benefits of being open and acceptant of any feedback coming your way, in a way that is going to release a lot of energy for you.
Finally, I lay out my 3 favourite strategies to practice and nail receiving criticism in any situation, whether formally or informally, and whether we are expecting it or not.
Join us this month at the HSP Power Hub HERE to dig deeper into this topic, and getting all the support you need to create your best life and career as an HSP.
I will see you there!