Though Jessi has only recently arrived in Stoneybrook and joined the BSC, she steps up to take the lead role in an upcoming ballet performance and take on a twice-a-week sitting gig for the Braddocks, another new family in the neighborhood. Matt Braddock is deaf and uses sign language to communicate, and Jessi sees that he and his sister Haley are having a tough time settling in. Jessi is just the right sitter for the job, with her empathy, facility with languages and expression through movement, and close (telepathic?) connection with a best friend who happens to have seven siblings keen to learn Jessi’s Secret Language.
In this episode, we’re lucky to have storyteller Kambri Crews, a CODA fluent in American Sign Language, join us to discuss Book 16. You can find out about Kambri’s memoir here.
Collection of mentions:
NYT article from 2021 about name signs in deaf culture
A colloquial sign in ASL for bullsh*t
Merill Ashley, inspiration for Lyssa’s pointe shoes
Cat book reading list from Becca’s bookshelf:
The Christmas Day Kitten by James Herriot, illustrated by Ruth Brown
Pinky Pye by Eleanor Estes, illustrated by Edward Ardizzone
Millions of Cats by Wanda Gág
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