
  • 25. Before My First Breath(ft. My mom)
    Jan 8 2023
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    23 min
  • 24. Enjoy The Present
    Jan 8 2023
    Accept what you can’t change, have the courage to change what you can, and have the wisdom to know the difference. The past is the past and you can’t do anything about it. You can’t get that opportunity back, you can’t get the relationship back, you can’t do what you use to do because if you do you will only continue to stunt your growth and block the blessings that the future has for you. That chapter of your life is over, and it is time to open up a new chapter and live in the present. You truly don’t know what the future has for you, you can set as many expectations as you want but if you don’t accept what you have and make the best of it you will never truly be happy.
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    13 min
  • 23. The Video Game Industry
    Jan 8 2023
    We all have our thing. Some people do makeup, some read, and some play video games. Whether if it’s your way to connect with friends, cope with life, or just your way to enjoy your free time, there is nothing wrong with sitting down and immersing yourself into a world created by storytellers and designers with a character you may or may not have created. Video games were my way to escape from the real world as a kid, and guess what: it still is. So no matter what your thing is, the concern shouldn’t be that you’re doing it, it should be how often you do it and how to regulate it so it doesn’t become an addiction.
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    19 min
  • 22. We All Have Insecurities
    Jan 7 2023
    Do you wear long sleeves and pants everyday(even on hot days) because you don’t want anyone looking at your arms or legs? Do you avoid speaking in public because you think everyone’s judging the sound of your voice? Fellas, do you avoid dating women taller than you? Do you wear your face mask EVERYWHERE YOU GO, not because you respect the mandate but because deep down you feel more comfortable covering up 70% of your face? If you can relate to any of these then guess what, you’re not the only one
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    18 min
  • 21. I Forgive You
    Jan 7 2023
    - We’ve all had negative things done to us. People who did us wrong, jobs that laid us off, and relationships that took more than you gave. It’s very easy to take that anger and sadness that those people and circumstances gave you, and carry it on through life. Many of us become consumed in that negative feeling, and a lot of us choose to use that feeling as a motivator. Whoever you admire or see as successful traces their story back to some pain they’ve experienced at a young age that they’ve used as motivation. In U.S. society, the stigma of using your pain to fuel you and to keep pushing forward and never look back has been passed around for so many years. Why do we do this? Well as my therapist likes to say, “Let’s unpack this”.
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    19 min
  • 20. Addicted To Love
    Jan 5 2023
    16 min
  • 19. Wrap Up Radio
    Dec 30 2022
    A Guy Called Wes caught a Virus Called COVID. So instead of the Christmas Special that was scheduled to be recorded and released by Christmas, enjoy a special year wrap up episode with songs and more.
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    30 min
  • 18. Lost Tape
    Dec 18 2022
    2/14/2022: In The Middle: Lost Tape
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    1 h et 3 min