A Jewel In His Crown

Auteur(s): AJewelInHisCrown
  • Résumé

  • A Jewel In His Crown is a podcast for men & women of all ages; from pre-teens to seasoned. I am a woman, so let's be clear, the majority of the episodes will be #MyTruth. Experience = Best Teacher. God has brought me through some THANGS. So I am here to Empower, To Encourage, To Excite, & Expound on what God has done and continues to do in my life. My prayer is that through my own #MyTruth journey, God will allow someone else to feel the healing that I have & continue to receive. God said, “Its time to tell #MyTruth”. I’m a Daughter that is A Jewel In His Crown. Journey w/me.
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  • Everything in life isn’t instant, sometimes you have to learn to Trust the Process…
    Dec 2 2023
    Trusting the Process means trusting that things, no matter what that THING IS, will be achieved in the right time in the right season. So often we want things quick and easy, when trusting the process means having to do things slow and steady. Nothing worth having is worth rushing… waiting produces growth. In this episode we will find ways to embrace the process and realize that the waiting allows life to be what IT is and Not what we think IT ought to be.
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    24 min
  • When It’s hard to Let Ya Guard DoWn, but you DON’T wanna miss Out on the good God has for You …😏
    Nov 4 2023
    Letting one’s guard down means becoming vulnerable. In this episode I talk about how important it is to let your guard down. After being hurt, going through personal experiences, I wanted to stop trusting people, but God had other plans. I’m learning to Trust and build better relationships, so let’s talk about it… Journey w/Me💋
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    26 min
  • The Reality is I was a People Pleaser, but the REAL question was ... WHY😏
    Oct 24 2023
    In this episode I talk about the reality that I was, and tend to still be, a people pleaser. Discovering that it’s an unhealthy line that we may cross and not realize it, all because we are looking for validation from others when we should only be looking for validation from one. Let’s learn how to not please people but serve people, because it’s a difference. Journey with Me 💋
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    25 min

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