In this episode, we are joined by Korey Conry to talk about his experience as a trainer.
Korey Conry is a Field Safety Supervisor/Trainer at Mountain F Enterprises and has been in the tree industry for over four years. He found his home in the safety and training department onboarding helping develop the safety culture with new hires. He is a certified arborist and qualified TRAQ through the ISA, California Flagger instructor, CPR/First Aid instructor, TCIA instructor, and OSHA Authorized Trainer. Korey has since November 2020 has been an instructor of a 5-week utility line clearance arborist class through Butte College.
Korey has worked in wildland firefighting, as an emergency room technician, and has a love for the outdoors. When he is not working, you can find him sitting under a Blue Oak in Northern California turkey hunting or watching Star Wars/Harry Potter with his family on movie night
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