
  • Episode #77 | Character That Counts | Featuring Rod Handley
    Feb 20 2025

    #77 – Character That Counts

    Guest: Rod Handley

    Act Like Men- Men’s Leadership Podcast

    Podcast Show Notes

    Someone once said that Talent will get you only so far. Character is what will take you home. We are blessed today to have a man who has been focused on his character for decades. Thank you for being open to sharing your story, which will inspire others to follow the pattern you shared.

    Rod Handley is the Founder & President of Character that Counts (CTC). Rod speaks nationwide to men, women, and teenagers about character, integrity, and accountability issues. He has written more than 35 books including "Character Counts: Who's Counting Yours?" He served on the Fellowship of Christian Athletes staff, including 11 years as the COO/CFO. He has also spoken at many chapel services for several NFL, NBA, and MLB teams, including serving as team chaplain for the Kansas City Royals, and the Seattle SuperSonics, now Oklahoma City Thunder. Rod and his wife Janna live in Lee's Summit, MO and they have four children (ages 24-31) and three grandchildren.

    In sharing his story, Rod talks about overcoming destructive and sinful habits and allowing God’s character to lead you. He highlighted a word that can cause way too many of us to live life carefully, tentatively, or in shame. That word is “secrets”. When we live life with secrets there is always the fear that at some point that secret will be revealed and it will change the direction of our life. The truth is – it will. We need to deal with our secrets and allow God to heal us and move us forward.

    Rod uses three words to show the path to help and wholeness in Christ. Those words are: Character, Integrity, and Accountability. These are great words. While we will let Rod’s ministry define each one within their context, most of us immediately relate to them and know they are foundational to living a life of meaning in our relationships, our marketplace, and of course our life with God.


    1. How would you in your honest moments define your character? What area needs to be improved?
    2. How would you define your integrity? Who are you when no one is looking?
    3. How would you define your accountability? Many are thrilled to be accountable for our strengths. What about those things in our life that weaken or destroy our character, or integrity? What about those things that would destroy those closest to us?

    Find someone in your life you trust with your life and build a path towards, Godly Character, personal integrity, and deep levels of accountability. You and everyone around you will be better for it.

    To reach out to Character That Counts: https://characterthatcounts.org

    To reach out to Rod Handley directly: Rodhandley@gmail.com

    Just a reminder these podcasts are released on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. For additional podcasts, go to: https://mensministrycatalyst.org/podcasts/

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    31 min
  • Episode #76 | The Men We Need | Featuring Brant Hansen
    Feb 6 2025

    The Men We Need

    Guest: Brant Hansen

    Brant Hansen is a syndicated radio host (over 200 stations), an advocate for healing children with correctible disabilities through Project Cure, and the author of numerous books including Unoffendable, Blessed Are the Misfits, The Truth About Us, The Men We Need, and The Young Men We Need. In addition to speaking on the subject of “The Men We Need”, he frequently speaks at churches, conferences, and corporations on the topics of forgiveness, faith, the autism spectrum, and the kingdom of God. Brant is also a musician and occasional stand-up comedian. He and his wife, Carolyn, live in South Florida.

    I (Wendell Morton)have a library of books written to men, about men, how to reach men, etc: Brant Hansen’s book The Men We Need will be a classic book for men, men’s leaders, and pastors, for the foreseeable future. It should be in seminaries, bible colleges, and in every church in America…

    What was the reason you wrote this book? Hansen says: We have a major problem and that is that guys have no clue what masculinity is. We have some vague sense, but we do not have a coherent, beautiful, specific vision. We may throw around the term “man up”, but other than picking yourself up by your bootstraps, be a Rambo, or some other outdoorsy, sports dude, what does it mean? This cannot be the essence of masculinity as many men do not fit that model and was it what God had commissioned for Adam.

    Your opening section is titled: Keeper of the Garden: What do you mean by this and what does it involve? From the very beginning, even before sin, God had given Adam the job of keeping the garden… ultimately God had given man (us) the job of being responsible. There are humans inside your home, outside your window, and in your workplace who may come to harm (in the world and the world to come) because you are not taking the responsibility God had given you.

    Brant lists Six Decisions that we need to make:

    1. Forsake the Fake and Relish the Real – the fake is the dopamine hits that come from being involved in many things that are not real, or not core to the responsibility that God has given to us.
    2. Protect the Vulnerable – part of Adam’s was to protect the vulnerable, which was Eve, the animals, and plants in the Garden. We see how that worked out.
    3. Be ambitious about the Right Things – ambition is a very good quality. However, we might be pulled into ambition for things that are not core to which God has called us.
    4. Make Women and Children Feel Safe – nothing is more appealing than a man who is committed to always protecting his family. That is of course physical, but also it is emotional, relational, and spiritual.
    5. Choose Today who you will become tomorrow – this is anti-cultural. Who we are tomorrow is what we paid attention to today. Be ambitious and focus attitudes, and actions, and focus on who God has called you to be tomorrow.
    6. Take Responsibility for your spiritual life – no one else is responsible for your relationship with God other than you. Know that God loves you and will do things for you. No one else is accountable before God for your spiritual life.

    ask yourself:

    1. What is your concept of masculinity? Where did it come from?
    2. Where do you need to align your concept of masculinity with Biblical teaching?
    3. Who can come around to help you with areas in which you need to become accountable?

    To order any of his books go to Amazon and type in Books by Brant Hansen.


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    38 min
  • Episode #75 | The Encore Man | Featuring Dr. Chuck Stecker
    Jan 23 2025

    #75 – The Encore Man

    Guest: Dr. Chuck Stecker

    Act Like Men- Men’s Leadership Podcast

    Podcast Show Notes

    The New England Journal of Medicine published a research article: The most productive generations are people in the 70’s – you heard that correctly. People in their seventies have the opportunity to make the biggest impact on our world – specifically, those with whom they are in a relationship. The second greatest generation to make an impact on our world – people in their sixties. The question is why these two generations, with whom do they have the biggest impact, and how can the local church utilize this research and engage these generations to impact their community through their generations within their local church?

    Many churches struggle to find ways to utilize specifically the Encore man with meaningful service. Just because a man has time does not mean you just plug him into an empty slot and let it go. Ultimately, for long-term fulfillment for the man and impact in the church, this connection needs to be in line with his Spiritual gifting and within his personality. Most men can do anything for a while, but long-term impact and fulfillment come when I am operating in my gifting and within my personality.

    With families now living all over the US and even abroad, for us to think that we as parents can impact and support our children and their families as we would like, is a myth. We need the Encore generation to step into active roles both in the church and in the neighborhood to ministry where there are gaps in the Encore generation and young to middle-aged families.

    Dr. Stecker leads a ministry called A Chosen Generation. There are two seminars that he leads that are powerful in the local church. One is called: If You Passed Your Baton Take It Back. The other one is: Never Just Babysit Your Grandkids. If your church is looking for a way to positively engage your senior population (Encore Generation), then reach out to Dr. Stecker at:


    Many Encore Men do not naturally know how to connect after their careers. Men often leave sometime when they retire, rather than retire to something that has meaning a value for years to come.

    Pastors and church leaders – we urge you to intentionally connect your Encore generation in the work of the ministry that is fulfilling to them and beneficial to the local church. Use their time and resources to impact the kingdom, by impacting your local community for Christ.

    To reach Chuck directly for seminars or consultation: church@achosengeneration.org

    To connect with the resources he mentioned at Men’s Ministry Catalyst, go to: https://mensministrycatalyst.org/store/

    Questions to Ask Yourself:

    1. If you are in the Encore generation – what are my spiritual gifts, and how does my personality impact what I am doing for God today?
    2. What is my local church doing to utilize our generation to impact the younger ones in our church?
    3. Who do I know that does not have parents or grandparents living close enough to make an impact on their family? What can I do to make a difference in their lives?

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    26 min
  • Episode #74 | Happy New Year - Brand New Opportunities
    Jan 9 2025

    Happy New Year Brand New Opportunities

    Act Like Men- Men’s Leadership Podcast

    Podcast Show Notes

    Once a year, the calendar moves from December 31 to January 1, a brand-new year full of new opportunities. What is new for you in 2025? What good thing have you carried forward from last year? What challenge is lingering into 2025 that needs to be cleaned up, so it does not create a drag on you this year?

    While the weather can be dreary, a new year always has such optimism and hope attached to it. It includes everything from the physical – losing weight and exercise; to the relational – new commitments to wives, children, and friends; to the occupational – pursuing a new position or excelling at your current one; to the spiritual – spending more time with God and reading and meditating on His Word.

    Wherever you are in your journey – the opportunities are yours right now. In this episode, we will list a few simple steps to move forward and several Bible Verses that promote the promises of God to encourage you and provide direction right from God through His Word.

    • Determine to make this year count – live on mission- Isaiah 43:18-19: God declares that He is doing a new thing and making a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
      • Keep it simple – too much will be too much over time. What is your priority for this year? Take very small sustainable steps to get there.
      • Take something off of your plate – you cannot do it all and sometimes we sacrifice the important for the urgent – which may not matter at all.
      • Find someone to hold you accountable – report your simple progress to this person consistently – with no excuses
    • Relish small beginnings - Job 8:7: Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.
      • Think of small next steps – many of us think of big opportunities.
      • Enjoy the journey
      • Track your progress –
    • Know that your life is not an accident or without purpose - Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you – for a future, and a hope
      • How can this verse impact your sense of purpose?
      • Some of us are born out of wedlock, family marriages fell apart, and lost jobs or health - how can this verse provide some hope, encouragement, and perspective?
      • Remove Toxic people from your inner circle – they want to pull you down, not lift you up.
    • New Beginnings only come through Christ - 2 Corinthians 5:17: Paul affirms that anyone who is in Christ is a new creation and the old has gone and the new has come.
      • All of us need new beginnings and new understanding at some point in our lives – all of us reach the end of ourselves
      • Pause daily on purpose to be grateful for new beginnings
      • Forgive yourself – if God has forgiven you, why would we not forgive ourselves
    • Final Thought: Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

    Questions to consider:

    1. What new thing might you be jumping into this year? Be specific and outline small steps
    2. What old thing is holding on from last year that needs your attention to resolve? You are aware that if you do not resolve it, it will be around a year from now.
    3. What are the needs of those closest to you that you can encourage them or help them this year? Reach out today

    podcasts are released on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month.
    additional podcasts: https://mensministrycatalyst.org/podcasts/

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    22 min
  • Episode #73 | Christmas – Bringing Hope to a Dark World - Showing us the Reason for the Season
    Dec 5 2024

    #73 Christmas – Bringing Hope to a Dark World

    Showing us the Reason for the Season

    Act Like Men- Men’s Leadership Podcast

    Christmas is one of the most exciting, meaningful holidays of the year. However, for some, it can also be the most depressing, lonely time of the year. It all depends on your experience, broken or lost relationships. Because of all the emotions surrounding Christmas, highs and lows, it is important to prepare for the holiday.

    I know in many families, the wife tends to lead the way in actual preparation for Christmas. While I was involved in the lead-up to Christmas, it was a bit awkward for me. Even so men, get as involved as you can to ensure the family feels your involvement, which ultimately communicates your love.

    Christmas is the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. For the next 33 years, Jesus lived on this earth: with no sin, establishing his authority among mankind as the Son of God, and ultimately he paid the price for our sins, He rose again… and that is why we celebrate Easter when we do.

    Powerful Life-Changing Verses about the baby Jesus!!

    1. Isaiah 7:14 Therefore God himself will give you a sign – a virgin shall conceive and bear a son and shall call His name Immanuel (God with us).

    This verse establishes the foundation of our faith in the birth of Jesus.

    1. Luke 1:35: And the Angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called Holy, the Son of God.

    This verse demonstrates the God part of Jesus -conceived by the Holy Spirit.

    1. Matthew 1:21 She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.

    This verse establishes the purpose for Jesus coming. He paid a debt He did not owe, for us who had a debt we could not pay.

    1. John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us

    This verse establishes the fact that Jesus was fully human and lived among the people of His day.

    1. John 3:16; For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    The most popular verse of the Bible. This shows the motivation behind God sending His son to give to us a gift we could never earn. Without God’s gift, we are all bound for an eternity without God.

    1. John 1:5 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.

    This verse indicates that through the person and work of Jesus, we will have eternal life with Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit.

    1. Romans 15:13 May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in faith so that you overflow with hope, by the power of the Holy Spirit

    This verse gives us a reason for hope no matter the circumstances in which we find ourselves. This life is short, even though it feels long at times. Our hope is in Jesus, the life He lived, and the work He did on the cross. Because of that we can hope every day and find a way to live in victory this Holiday Season!!

    Questions to consider:

    1. If you have a family, as the husband and/or father, how will you intentionally insert yourself into the process this year to make this the best Christmas yet?
    2. How do you prayerfully need to prepare yourself, so you can lead your family this year?


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    20 min
  • Episode #72 | How to Communicate Thankfulness
    Nov 21 2024

    #72 How to Communicate Thankfulness

    Act Like Men- Men’s Leadership Podcast

    Do you consider yourself a Thankful Person? This is the time of the year when all of the conversation is about being Thankful. The history of Thanksgiving did not come out of tremendous blessings. It came out of challenging circumstances, and the pilgrims believed they should be thankful regardless and the Native Americans and the Pilgrims shared a wonderful time together after coming through a difficult season.

    Regardless of where you find yourself this time of the year, the spirit and the act of being thankful can change your entire perspective on your life. This is not only a great suggestion, but the Bible also tells us to focus on being thankful always, not just at the end of November.

    Often I am reminded of teaching children to say thank you when someone gave them something. Do yo you remember saying to your children, “What do you say?” At that time we were teaching our children to respond kindly to the generosity of another person. But as our children got older, we did not have to prompt them as much for their words. In fact, as parents, we are pleased when our children demonstrate that they have been paying attention and applying what they have been taught. Sometimes we as adults need to take a lesson from our children and remember to be thankful in every aspect of our life.

    Let’s look briefly at what the Bible says about being thankful.

    1. The Lack of Thanksgiving is the Source of All Kinds of Sin

    For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. (Romans 1:21, ESV)

    2. Giving Thanks is Commanded for Believers

    In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul writes: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

    When you examine the Greek of this verse, you discover that the verb “give thanks” is both an imperative (you must do it) and present tense (you must keep doing it continually). We should never stop expressing our gratitude.

    Let’s End With a Challenge:

    1. Start every conversation with God with a list of Thank You to God- not necessarily for the good things in your life, but the gifts God has given to mankind in general – His Son to pay for our sins, the joy of a new day that is challenging or not, the certainly of Heaven as a follower of Christ, “all things working together for good for those who love Him and are called according to his purpose”.
    2. Be intentional in looking your fellowman in the eye and telling them an intentional Thank you for any consideration they provide – an open door, to coffee served, to food served, to work done on your behalf. People feel loved and valued when you look them in the eye and intentionally tell them you appreciate what they did.
    3. Look for the good in everything that is happening in your life. While we all want this life to be like heaven – always bright and cheery – this is not heaven and we need to search to find good in some of the very difficult times that come our way and the way of those whom we love.


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    19 min
  • Episode #71 | Breaking Generational Curses | Featuring Pastor Lee Hall
    Nov 7 2024

    #71 – Breaking Generational Curses

    Guest: Pastor Lee Hall

    Act Like Men – Men’s Leadership Podcast

    Sponsored by Men’s Ministry Catalyst

    Podcast Show Notes

    What is a generational curse and how do you know if you have one? With the advent of popular psychology, we often have labels for behaviors and attitudes that generations before we may have called, what the bible would call what is passed from one generation to the next, without breaking that curse. The definition today is they are repeating patterns of misfortune that affect parents, their children, and beyond. They can manifest in several ways: disobedience, violence, idolatry, or bad habits.

    Pastor Lee Hall talks about a generational curse that he was under until God opened his eyes and delivered him from this curse. There were many things that Pastor Hall mentioned as helping give him victory:

    1. Awareness of the behaviors and attitudes he was manifesting that he had seen in his father.
    2. Decision to be different.
    3. Asking God to deliver him from the direction he was heading.
    4. Asking his father to forgive him for his attitude towards his father. You heard that right – he believed it was on him to seek forgiveness. Most of us would wait until our father came to us and asked for forgiveness – and would go to our grave with bitterness and anger towards him within us.

    This is the critical step in getting released from all the “stuff” that is in our heads, our hearts, and our spirits towards God and others.

    1. Live in victory daily and REFUSE to submit again to the curse from which you have been delivered.

    Pastor Hall has hung onto II Corinthians 5:17 – If any man is in Christ, he is a new creation. These verses were extremely valuable to Pastor Hall. He states: “if God is not changing my situation, then God is about to change me”. You can only live that when you engage in a faith walk, not walking by sight.

    Be encouraged today – trust God for your future – allow Him to change you and walk by faith every day!

    Questions to ask yourself:

    1. Do I feel stuck, repeating the attitudes and behaviors I saw in my dad? Which one(s) specifically?
    2. Are you willing to allow God to change you and will you walk by faith, not by sight according to what is around you?
    3. Who do I know who can become a prayer partner and accountability partner to help me walk out of these “curses”? Ensure this man could be or is a mentor for you.

    To contact Pastor Lee Hall for a discussion or prayer:


    Just a reminder these podcasts are released on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. For additional podcasts, go to: https://mensministrycatalyst.org/podcasts/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    36 min
  • Episode #70 | Marketplace Ministry | Featuring Ray Hilbert
    Oct 31 2024

    #70 – Marketplace Ministry

    Guest: Ray Hilbert

    Act Like Men – Men’s Leadership Podcast

    Sponsored by Men’s Ministry Catalyst

    Podcast Show Notes

    Our guest today is passionate about helping high-capacity Christian Business leaders as they address balancing the demands of personal, professional, and spiritual lives while building successful companies and organizations.

    Ray Hilbert helps business owners and other coaches through a company called Kingdom Factor: Out of Psalm 78:72: 1)David – flawed leader: Ray and his coaches work with flawed business leaders who want to follow Christ and run a Biblically-based business. 2) Integrity of Heart: Doing the right things; handling your business with Christlike Biblically based principles and practices. 3) With Skillful hands he led them; doing the right things to be profitable and sustain for God’s glory.

    Kingdom Factor leadership brings over 60 years of combined experience helping Christian business leaders become who and what God has called them to be. Our calling is building God’s Kingdom in and through the marketplace. Our passion is developing godly business leaders whom Christ is transforming. Our model is focused on developing Coaches who are equipped to be a leader of leaders.

    Work is not the result of sin in the world. Works is what God gave Adam to do tending the garden, it was fun, enjoyable, and rewarding following the plan God had for him. It was after sin, that that same work became difficult, and man would then sweat and toil as a result of sin. However, we still work and the work we do is for God’s glory and our good. How do we flip the script and see our work as a missionary endeavor and choose to be able to share our faith, love, and encourage our coworkers or employees, and by doing so bring God the Glory and God gives us the benefit?

    Today, challenge yourself to embrace work. God has you where are for a reason – for now fully embrace where you are so He gets the glory, and you receive the benefit. God has something special for you – enjoy the work God has given you!!

    Questions to ask yourself:

    1. As a Christian employee, how do I approach work? Is it because I have to be there with no other opportunities, or is it because I have an opportunity to share Jesus with my peers and my bosses, through my Christlike attitude, excellent work, and refusal to participate in gossip?
    2. As a business owner, how do I approach this business? Is this God’s calling on my life? How can I use the joys and struggles of owning a business to share my faith with others and have them bloom at work? How can I use my business for God’s glory?
    3. If you would like to have coaching or just to have a conversation with a coach, please reach out to Ray Hilbert and Kingdom Factor at the contact info below.

    To learn more about Kingdom Factor or to reach Ray Hilbert directly please go to:


    Just a reminder these podcasts are released on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month. For additional podcasts, go to: https://mensministrycatalyst.org/podcasts/

    Voir plus Voir moins
    23 min