
    Jun 28 2021

    Actions and Limits interviews Jan Ferguson. Former Law Enforcement turned Business Consultant. 


    Jan Ferguson is a Speaker, Business Consultant, Certified Master NLP Practitioner, and NLP Trainer who served in law enforcement for 32 years. Jan has dedicated his life to empowering individuals to achieve even more in life and business.

    He has earned numerous awards and certifications including the President's Call to Service Award, the Presidential Volunteer Service Award-Gold Level, multiple insurance designations and numerous other law enforcement awards. Jan is a loving father and husband who has been married for over 34 years.

    Jan's greatest passion is to empower individuals to achieve next-level success.


    Find Jan at:

    Personal site: https://janf360.com Business site: https://janbferguson.com


    Keep taking those Actions and destroy those Limits. 

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    1 h et 3 min
    May 24 2021

    Actions and Limits interviews Erin Summ, a Confidence Coach for women who understands what it takes to create true inner confidence. 


    Erin Summ is an International Confidence Transformation Coach, sought after speaker, creator of Bold Confident You Unleashed Card Deck and Journal, author of Stand Up and Shine: 60 Day Confidence Discovery Journal, and co-author of Catch Your Star.

    She hosts her own events and retreats, passionate about supporting women business owners to get past their own fears, gain confidence and make more money. Erin has been on her own journey from shy to confident since 2008.

    She used to be so fearful of being seen and heard, in school, the thought alone of asking a question gave her major anxiety and she’d chicken out. But her vision was always bigger than her fears. Erin holds a bachelors degree in Psychology and is a Certified Professional Coach.


    Where to find Erin:

    Website www.erinsumm.com

    Facebook group Confident Woman Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/confidentwomancommunity

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/erinsummconfidencecoach/



    Keep taking those Actions and destroy those Limits.

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    38 min
    Apr 26 2021

    Actions and Limits interviews Tylia Flores. 


    Tylia Flores is a 25-year-old born with cerebral palsy. She is an advocate for others that have disabilities. 


    Although her condition has affected her mobility, it has never affected her will and determination to make a difference in the world. Through her many life challenges and obstacles, she discovered her passion for writing. Tylia’s goal in life is to share her stories with the world. In doing so, she hopes to help others with disabilities realize that they, too, have the potential to make their dreams come true.


    Find Tylia at:




    Keep taking those Actions and Destroy those Limits. 

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    36 min
    Apr 19 2021

    Actions and Limits interview Greg Williams. 


    Greg Williams is the former Director of Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis / Irregular Warfare for Orbis Operations in McLean, Virginia. Previous to that, Greg was the Director, Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis / Irregular Warfare for Cubic Applications in San Diego, California USA. 

    Greg is a decorated, veteran urban law enforcement professional and a decorated, veteran former soldier with over 30 years of combined experience and expertise. He is an adjunct professor of Sociology and has done work for Western State University, San Diego State University and the University of Southern California as well as USC’s Institute for Creative Technology. Greg is an industry expert in Irregular Warfare for the Defense Community. 

    Greg has worked with the Drug Enforcement Administrations (DEA) Mobile Enforcement Team (MET) and the 5th Judicial District’s Drug Task Force and Shooting Task Force in Colorado. Greg has held virtually every law enforcement position from patrol officer, shift supervisor, SWAT director, undercover Narcotics operations supervisor, Undersheriff and Interim Chief of Police.

    Greg has a US Department of Defense (DoD) Top Secret security clearance and has worked as a subject matter expert, contractor or consultant for many US DoD Agencies including the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies, the Center for Emerging Threats and Opportunities (CETO), Joint Forces Command (JFCOM), Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) and the US Marine Corps Special Operations Training Group (SOTG) to name but a few.

    Outside of the USA, Greg has worked with NATO Commands including Strategic Allied Command Transformation (Four Star Command), the Hungarian Defence Forces and the NATO Maritime Interdiction Operational Training Center (NMIOTC). Greg has done work for the Ministry of Defense of Iraq, Afghanistan and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 

    Greg has been a subject matter expert (SME) for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) as well as for the future immersive training environment joint capability training demonstration (FITE JCTD).

    Greg has trained every Tier One military force in the United States and much of the world. Greg has trained the DEA, FBI, ATF, CIA, DIA, and the US Department of Homeland Security, US Border Patrol, US Border Patrol Tactical Unit (BORTAC), US Border Patrol Search, Trauma, and Rescue team (BORSTAR), US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and many other agencies tasked with the protection of US Citizens domestically and abroad.

    Greg created Combat Profiling and the Combat Profiling Program of Instruction (POI) and the USJFCOMs highly successful Border Hunter Program of Instruction (POI). Greg Williams was the architect of the world-renowned US Marine Corps’ highly successful and lifesaving Combat Hunter program. In addition to the Combat Hunter program of instruction (POI); Greg Williams was instrumental in designing and refining the USMCs’ Lioness and Law Enforcement Professionals programs for combat zones.

    The programs that Greg created [Combat Profiling, HBPR&A (Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis), ASAT® (Advanced Situational Awareness Training), MASAT® (Maritime Advanced Situational Awareness Training), SOFSAT® (Special Operational Forces Advanced Situational Awareness Training), ITSAT® Insider Threat Situation Awareness Training)] are scientifically and academically vetted and Combat tested (Iraq, Afghanistan, HOA) and currently used by many DoD Agencies, US Forces, and Homeland Defense partners. Greg also developed GSAT® (Gatekeeper Situation Awareness Training) to help combat the suicide pandemic and SHARPSAT® to help address the sexual harassment dilemma for the US Army.

    Greg has developed programs for Private Security Firms, several major Air Lines, numerous school systems, First Responders and Law Enforcement agencies.

    Greg has lectured at Universities in Michigan, Ohio, Florida, Colorado and California and was the co-author on two white papers for scientific journals. 



    Keep taking those Actions and destroy those Limits. 

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    53 min
    Apr 12 2021

    Actions and Limits interviews Brian Marren. 


    Brian Marren is a decorated Marine, High Threat Protection security professional and Subject Matter Expert on Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis. He has spent the last eighteen years conducting both real world and training operations all over the United States, the Middle East and both Central and East Asia. Brian is a highly experienced, highly motivated professional that has the ability to adapt to any environment whether he is on the battlefield, in a classroom or at a board meeting.

    While in the Marine Corps, Brian served as a Marine Scout/Sniper with multiple combat deployments to the Al Anbar Province of Iraq during the height of counterinsurgency operations. As a Team Leader, he successfully led hundreds of both combat and training missions. During this time, Brian was meritoriously promoted ahead of his peers on three separate occasions due to his leadership capability and overall professionalism.

    After being honorably discharged from the Marine Corps, Brian was hired by Cubic Applications to be a Tactics Analyst at the newly constructed Infantry Immersive Trainer (IIT) aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. During his time at the IIT Brian trained and advised thousands of Marines on how to make better tactical decisions during highly complex and chaotic live fire training exercises. Under his guidance, thousands of Marines became more adaptable and better at sense making during highly stressful situations. While working as an instructor, Brian assisted with a number of scientific studies conducted by the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and Pacific Science and Engineering (PSE) in order to help determine the efficacy of the Infantry Immersive Trainer and the Marine Corps Combat Hunter program.

    Brian also worked as a security contractor for the U.S. State Department High Threat Protection program. During this time, he was responsible for personally protecting hundreds of U.S. Government personnel in multiple high threat environments including Iraq and Afghanistan. Brian performed all major duties of a security detail to include leading numerous small teams on highly sensitive protection operations.

    Brian has trained and advised numerous Tier One military units, conventional forces, and private sector clients on the art and science of Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis. Brian has also trained and advised hundreds of Law Enforcement Professionals to include US Border Patrol, DEA, ICE, TSA, US Marshals and other federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.

    Currently, Brian serves as the Vice President of Operations for Arcadia Cognerati, a service provider specializing in assessing, developing and conducting training and education to address urgent safety and security needs in some of the most challenging environments in the world. Brian continues to serve the veteran community as an Ambassador for Carry The Load.

    Brian holds a Masters of Science in Applied Psychology from the University of Southern California and a Bachelors of Science in Political Science from Arizona State University. 



    Keep taking those Actions and destroy those Limits

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    54 min
    Apr 5 2021

    Actions and Limits interviews Dr. Bryan McElderry. 


    Dr. Bryan McElderry, Pharm.D., founder of the SHIFT Mentorship.

    My goal in my holistic life coaching practice is to help high performing professionals and entrepreneurs master their lives and tap into a deeper understanding of themselves. Once this SHIFT happens you begin to see an immense amount of clarity, calmness, peace, happiness, and fulfillment out of your life.

    This then trickles into the area of life you’re looking to optimize; whether it be your business, career, relationships, health or spirituality. My goal is to fill in the gap and challenge you to be the BEST VERSION of yourself and to realize your potential is so much more than you think.

    After earning my Bachelor's of Science in Chemistry from Morehouse College, I went on to earn a Doctorate in Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) from St. Louis College of Pharmacy. During my matriculation, I felt there was a lack of focus on non-pharmacological treatment options and preventative strategies for disease states that could be reversed or prevented by simple lifestyle changes. At this point, I was becoming very consistent with my exercise and my nutrition.

    As a result, I began seeing changes both mentally and physically; so much so that I ended up competing in a men's physique bodybuilding show structuring my own training and diet regimen. 

    In 2016, shortly after my pharmacy school graduation and the passing of my grandmother from a mismanagement of medication which lead to severe demential, I founded Envizion Health.

    It was initially as a brand to spread knowledge, motivation and inspiration to people looking to better their life both mentally and physically. I wanted people to be a part of a brand that would not only provide a service, but could build a community of like minded individuals that believed in the same mission. Through my health services, I made it a point to incorporate a holistic approach to serving each client to safely and effectively get them to their desired result of creating a well-balanced lifestyle.

    Fast forward to November 2018, I realized many of clients were gravitating to the changes they were making outside of the physical aspect.

    They were beginning to heal their love lives, they were showing up more productive and efficient at work, they were more energized and the questions of entrepreneurship /life mastery begin to arise.

    Since then I’ve created my 1-1 mentorship/coaching, podcast, newly written book, and courses.

    Now, I help top executives, professionals and entrepreneurs identify and capitalize on opportunities for individual and organizational success.

    My coaching has empowered these individuals to significantly reduce stress and worry that can ultimately lead to diminished productivity and burnout.


    Find Dr. McElderry at: https://www.bryanmcelderry.com/



    Keep taking those Actions and destroy those Limits. 

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    51 min
    Mar 29 2021

    Actions and Limits interviews Sherrie Dunlevy, who helps other Graduate from their Grief. 


    Sherrie Dunlevy is a best selling author, speaker, podcast host and a bereaved mom. This former radio talk host and TV news anchor now is dedicated to helping women Graduate from their Grief and show those who love them amazing ways to offer love and support. www.SherrieDunlevy.com

    To set up your free 30 minute consultation with me, shoot me an email at Sherrie Dunlevy.com Her #1 best selling book "How Can I Help?- Your Go-to Guide for Helping Loved One's through Life's Difficulties" is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or for personally signed copies on her website.


    Keep taking those Actions and destroy those Limits. 

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    45 min
    Mar 22 2021

    Actions and Limits interviews Michel Ogston about how we are all one decision away from changing our lives. 


    Michele Ogston is an empowerment and transformational coach!  She holds certifications as an intuitive life coach and is a certified meditation & mindfulness teacher. She works with her empath and like-minded people, to empower them to break the patterns that have been holding them back to create an authentic life filled with purpose and meaning. 


    Her mission is to spread the word that you’re just one decision from changing your whole life. She truly believes life isn’t about being happy all the time, but about learning how to navigate the more challenging times a little easier. After experiencing her own loss through the death of loved ones and a painful divorce, she decided to turn her pain into passion and helps people navigate life a little easier.


    In addition to coaching clients 1:1, Michele is also an executive contributor writer for Brainz magazine. She runs the  Empath Support Group, where she provides a safe place for Empaths to find comradery so they can learn, and share with each other.  She owns Cloud 9 Life Coaching in Northern California, where she lives with her husband, children and fur babies. You can connect with her on:  Facebook , Instagram, or LinkedIn or visit her website: Cloud 9 Life Coaching.



    Keeping taking those Actions and destroying those Limits. 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    41 min