
  • 102. Farewell, Adultescents
    Jun 26 2023

    It's the end of an era. Tune in to hear Jess & Laura have an honest conversation around why Adultescence is ending and some of the lessons the two have learned about "quitting."

    And for those of you who want one last dose of Jess & Laura, keep listening for a very chaotic and real conversation around coming to terms with the fact that you're not special in post-grad. 

    Thank you to everyone who has listened to this show -- your weekly downloads and kind messages made it all worth it <3 

    Voir plus Voir moins
    37 min
  • 101. What To Do With Your First Paycheck
    Jun 19 2023

    Aside from the obvious (a celebratory drink or two), what should you do with all the rest of the dough in your first paycheck? We’ve got a few ideas… and they don’t include “blow it all and anxiously await the second one.” 

    Jess and Laura share how they budget their paychecks and impart some wisdom. You’ll be ready to retire in no time! (Read: approximately 30 years)

    Do you have a burning question about post-grad that you'd like to hear answered on the podcast? Email us at hello@adultescence.com, or shoot us a DM on Instagram @adultescencepodcast. We'd love to help! 

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe. We put out new episodes every Monday. Check out our website and subscribe to our newsletter at https://adultescence.com.

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    22 min
  • 100. Living on Your Own After College
    Jun 12 2023

    Moving away from home and living on your own after college is a big transition. In this episode, Jess and Laura talk about how to cope with all the new responsibility. 

    They commiserate about how tough it can be to keep up with all the additional household maintenance tasks on top of work and social plans. Then, they give a few tips for how you can make the transition easier. 

    Do you have a burning question about post-grad that you'd like to hear answered on the podcast? Email us at hello@adultescence.com, or shoot us a DM on Instagram @adultescencepodcast. We'd love to help! 

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe. We put out new episodes every Monday. Check out our website and subscribe to our newsletter at https://adultescence.com.

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    28 min
  • 99. New Job? How to Handle the First 30 Days
    Jun 5 2023

    Making the most of your first month at a new job can set you apart from the pack and allow you to start off strong with a good impression. In this episode, Jess and Laura break down everything you should (and shouldn’t) do to make the most of your first 30 days at a new job. 

    Do you have a burning question about post-grad that you'd like to hear answered on the podcast? Email us at hello@adultescence.com, or shoot us a DM on Instagram @adultescencepodcast. We'd love to help! 

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe. We put out new episodes every Monday. Check out our website and subscribe to our newsletter at https://adultescence.com.

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    24 min
  • 98. How to Accept That College is Over
    May 29 2023

    Graduating from college brings a ton of excitement and opportunity... but it can also leave you feeling down in the dumps about the end of an era. Especially if you sourced a lot of your identity from your college and being a student. Clubs? Friends? Leadership roles? It’s all coming to an end. 

    In this episode, Jess and Laura empathize with recent graduates around how tough it can be closing the college chapter of life. The two also share some promising tidbits about the excitement that the future holds. 

    Do you have a burning question about post-grad that you'd like to hear answered on the podcast? Email us at hello@adultescence.com, or shoot us a DM on Instagram @adultescencepodcast. We'd love to help! 

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe. We put out new episodes every Monday. Check out our website and subscribe to our newsletter at https://adultescence.com.

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    32 min
  • 97. Post Grad Problems: Why Does the To-Do List Never End?
    May 22 2023

    Transitioning from college to adulthood is hard. We’re not here to sugarcoat it! In this episode, Jess and Laura are here to commiserate about the never ending to-do list and grind. We aren’t living in your parents’ post grad, so we’re breaking down why you shouldn’t be quite so hard on yourself.

    Stay tuned for a few tips and tricks to make the transition a little easier for new grads, and tune in next Monday for a brand new episode. 

    Do you have a burning question about post-grad that you'd like to hear answered on the podcast? Email us at hello@adultescence.com, or shoot us a DM on Instagram @adultescencepodcast. We'd love to help! 

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe. We put out new episodes every Monday. Check out our website and subscribe to our newsletter at https://adultescence.com.

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    23 min
  • 96. Balancing Ambition and Contentment
    May 15 2023

    Do you find yourself wondering if you’ll ever reach the point in life where you feel like you have “enough”? If you’re an ambitious person, it might be hard to imagine sitting back and being content with what you have. 

    This episode is all about this struggle in your twenties and how to find balance between pushing yourself and being happy with what you already have. Jess and Laura share their personal struggles with this idea and provide some tips so you can avoid the burnout grind that too much ambition can create. 

    Do you have a burning question about post-grad that you'd like to hear answered on the podcast? Email us at hello@adultescence.com, or shoot us a DM on Instagram @adultescencepodcast. We'd love to help! 

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe. We put out new episodes every Monday. Check out our website and subscribe to our newsletter at https://adultescence.com.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min
  • 95. These Ideas About Money Are Holding You Back
    May 8 2023

    *Cue Britney*  Are you suffering from toxic money mindsets that are holding you back from living your most financially secure life? Symptoms may include: saying “I’ll save once I get a higher salary,” not saving at all in your 20s, forgetting about retirement or contributing minimally, trying to “keep up with the Joneses” and more.

    Jess and Laura talk about the money mindsets they’ve struggled with after college and share their best tips for how you can avoid falling into these traps. It’s never too late! 

    Link to get a Chase Sapphire credit card: https://www.referyourchasecard.com/6m/2D9902LWRB

    Do you have a burning question about post-grad that you'd like to hear answered on the podcast? Email us at hello@adultescence.com, or shoot us a DM on Instagram @adultescencepodcast. We'd love to help! 

    Be sure to rate, review and subscribe. We put out new episodes every Monday. Check out our website and subscribe to our newsletter at https://adultescence.com.

    Voir plus Voir moins
    30 min