
  • Ullambana and Feeding the Hungry Spirits
    Jul 29 2023

    Late summer through early fall is an important time for many Buddhist cultures, a time in which we offer food and drink to our ancestors, and we feed the hungry ghosts in our midst. In this episode, Sensei Morris talks about the significance of these observances, including instructions about how the listener also might make an offering to the hungry ghosts.

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    19 min
  • Every Step of the Journey is the No-Journey
    Jun 1 2023

    In this talk, Sensei Morris discusses a saying by one of his teachers, Ven. Khai Thien--"Every step of the journey is the journey." He shares thoughts on how to make use of this saying, and also how to transcend it, to experience the "no journey" that the instruction ultimately embodies.

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    15 min
  • No Peace at White Sands
    May 2 2023

    White Sands Buddhist Center is a peaceful place. And yet, there is no peace at White Sands. In this episode, Sensei Morris Doshin Sullivan talks about how to make peace by embodying peace.

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    12 min
  • What is Enlightenment?
    Feb 18 2023

    You often hear that the objective of Buddhist practice is enlightenment. But there are a lot of different views of what constitutes enlightenment. In this episode, Sensei Morris talks about the idea of enlightenment in a way that can help us direct our practice and live more enlightened lives.

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    25 min
  • Who--Or What--Is Buddha?
    Jan 20 2023

    Most people come to Buddhism with some ideas about what it means to be "Buddha." But spend some time with Buddhists from different traditions, and you soon see that this word Buddha might change from one context to another. In this talk, Sensei Morris explains some of the different meanings can apply to this word, "Buddha" and how we might use that word to wake up ourselves.

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    25 min
  • King Ashoka and Religious Tolerance
    Jan 6 2023

    Many newcomers to Buddhism wonder how their spiritual practice might relate to the spiritual practices of others. In this episode, Sensei Morris Doshin Sullivan talks about the Buddhist king, Ashoka, and his commitment to cooperation between religions. Sensei Morris will also share a short story about a time when King Pasenadi went on a diet.

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    23 min
  • True Freedom
    Oct 13 2022

    What does it mean to be free? We talk about freedom often--political freedom, freedom from oppression, and so on. But is that freedom, or is there a spiritual freedom that lies beyond that?

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    21 min
  • Right View
    Sep 23 2022

    The first factor of the Noble Eightfold Path is Right View. But what does this mean? Do we need to "hold" certain views in order to consider ourselves Buddhist? And is it enough just to believe in the right thing? In this talk, Sensei Morris Doshin Sullivan talks about Right View and the importance of practice in developing wisdom.

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    22 min